May 30, 2009

I lost my pagerank!! Did this happen to any of you out there? It was shocking to see that my website lost the pagerank that it had gained in the past 2 months, all of a sudden. I had worked quite hard to get the pagerank up there and suddenly when you see that you

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May 12, 2009

“The Money is in the List” – How many times have you heard this? Innumerable times! Is there frustration in your voice when you answered? You sound like me. It is the same frustration that I saw months ago when I was reading some good blog post on list-building, like you are doing today. Read

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May 3, 2009

The success of your blog largely depends upon how well the blog is being managed. In one of my earlier post, I had compared Blogger and WordPress. I had also mentioned that WordPress was any day my choice. Though WordPress installation is a cake-walk if you follow the world-famous 5-minute installation from WordPress, there are

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December 24, 2008

Every internet marketers journey starts as an internet surfer. He stumbles upon websites that talk about internet marketing and internet businesses and starts to believe that he too, has the potential to make it big on the internet. He starts experimenting on everything that he has read about on the internet and burns his fingers quite a few times after which he realizes the fact that making money on the internet is not as easy as it sounds.

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