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The Basics of How to SEO your Website’s Videos

November 26, 2012

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Video SEOSEO consultants have to stay ahead of the game when it comes to website visibility. Google seems to be constantly updating their rules and regulations and therefore the task of reaching an optimum place in the rankings and staying there is hardly the easiest of jobs. Fortunately there are many ways in which you can make your website more searchable and one which mustn’t be forgotten is video.

YouTube was created in 2005 and since then has become the most popular video uploading site ever seen. Even better is the fact that it is entirely possibly for SEO consultants to employ search engine optimization tactics when uploading videos. Video can come in any form. They may be branded advertisements of a sort, tutorials, interviews or review. Indeed a video can be used to convey any message to internet users. A much more visual format for sharing information, video still needs to be easy to find, in much the same way that written copy is online.

Your YouTube channel and videos will target relevant traffic to your website if the target audience can locate it. By tagging your video content with relevant search terms you will make it easier to find.  Keyword methodology for video content is the same for any media; the keywords used should be relevant to your video and make it easy to locate.

Of course there are many users who, much like those who previously used keyword stuffed content to attract Google rank and new traffic, choose to abuse the keyword “system”.  Some may use irrelevant keywords for their videos which while they may not have anything to with their actual content are still sure to direct traffic to the video as the keyword is a popular one.

Not only do users who do this annoy other YouTube users, after all who wants to see scantily clad dancers when you were looking for something completely different; users who employ these rather underhand tactics are running the risk of having their videos reported and even removed. Be very careful when choosing your keywords, they need to be searchable and they need to be relevant.

The way in which you name your videos is of similar importance. A jazzy title may look great if people follow a direct link you have given them in order to find the video however when giving your content a title consider those that you wish to find it who are searching the YouTube search engine for something that interests them. Words Work Wonders Workshop may sound pretty however is not going to rank very highly in the YouTube search whereas “A Workshop for Beginner Copywriters” may be more effective. Words do work wonders yet they can be wasted if not thought through properly in terms of SEO.

Any SEO consultants worth their salt will tell you that in order to truly optimise your site you should make sure that you pay as much attention to your video and picture content as to your written copy. Choose keywords carefully and don’t forget that by using YouTube videos in this way that you are opening your website to a whole new and vast audience.

Know Your Guest Author:

This article is contributed by Jag Ture. Jag has been writing for over 5 years. Her sales and marketing background has helped her write informative articles in areas including digital marketing; specifically, PPC, SEO, Affiliate Marketing and Social Media Marketing.

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My name is Dilip. I am a fan of the internet and love the many opportunities that the world wide web provides. If used constructively , the internet can give you an opportunity to lead a life free of the 9-5 treadmill and will be able to give more time to your family members.
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My name is Dilip. I am a fan of the internet and love the many opportunities that the world wide web provides. If used constructively , the internet can give you an opportunity to lead a life free of the 9-5 treadmill and will be able to give more time to your family members. Read about internet entrepreneurship at my blog.

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