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Building Your List Using SOLO Ads?

Published on: December 25, 2013

Last Updated on - December 25, 2013  

minutes read

SOLO ad traffic

“The Money is in the List”

This is a phrase that you might have heard or, read countless times by now. Every GURU or, no-GURU (like me.. lol 🙂 ) keeps telling the same thing.

But one thing that no-body tells you is how to build your list. Some go on to put list-building in a few simple steps –

  • Setup a Squeeze page
  • Drive traffic to it.
  • Make people Optin to your list

and..that’s it.

But one very important aspect in these so-called simple steps, is “Driving Traffic”. And this is one aspect that 90% of the internet marketers fail at and consequently QUIT.

I, too tried at least 50 different ways of driving traffic to build my list, but my list grew by a trickle. And adding about 2 subscribers to your list everyday, was absolutely not enough to make money.

It took me a while to understand the secret of the  GURUS, who would manage to drive scores of visitors to their squeeze pages and thus build a list. But just as the saying goes, “better late than never”, I too, managed to do it though it took some time.

You might be a newbie to internet marketing or, a seasoned internet marketer, but this series is sure to give you some information of value.

SOLO Ads – The Surefire way to Traffic

While there could be numerous ways of driving traffic to build a list, one of the cost-effective ways to do that is SOLO ads. For people who do not know what that means,

[social_quote duplicate=”yes” align=”default”]SOLO ads are email ads that you sent to the subscriber list of an internet marketer who has a huge list for a fee that they charge.[/social_quote]

To put that in simple words, You approach somebody who has a huge list and ask him, if he can send out your email with a link to your squeeze, to his list. You agree to pay him based on the number of clicks.

Now, if this guy agrees, you send over an email (also called as a Swipe) to him and put a tracking link ( a link to your squeeze page created in such a way that you are able to track the clicks) in it. He further schedules the email to go out on the day, he promised to send it out.

When the email hits the subscribers’ inbox, they open it (called as open rate) and as they read through the email and click on the link (called as click-through-rate). These clicks are counted and the SOLO ad seller has the responsibility of delivering the promised number of clicks to you.

What to Look For When Buying SOLOs

While SOLOs are one of the best and easiest forms of traffic, you also need to ensure that you are absolutely sure of the kind of list that the vendor has and the traffic that he delivers. There are quite a lot of sharks in the SOLO ad industry and if you are not cautious, you might end up loosing your money as well.

There are a lot of sites that recommend good SOLO vendors and I recommend that you verify the credibility of the vendor before buying a SOLO. You can ask for testimonials, so that you know how the SOLO vendor is doing.

The SOLO Ad Blackbook by Matt Bacak is a good resource. You can check it out here.

You can try your first SOLO ads by ordering one from me. You can view all the details and the Testimonials at my SOLO page. You can visit it at the below link..

===> http://affiliaterevolutions.org/killersolos

In the next few posts, we will be discussing about simple tips and tricks to get the most out of a SOLO and also on how to build your own SOLO business.

Do let me know your thoughts by commenting below.

About the author

My name is Dilip. I am a fan of the internet and love the many opportunities that the world wide web provides. If used constructively , the internet can give you an opportunity to lead a life free of the 9-5 treadmill and will be able to give more time to your family members.
Read about internet entrepreneurship at my blog.

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