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Weekly Link Roundup # 23 – Blog Monetization Strategy and How to Make Money from Your Blog

Published on: February 22, 2017

Last Updated on - February 22, 2017  

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blog monetization strategy

What is your blog monetization strategy?

If you have been blogging for money, then I am sure that one of the biggest pain areas for you would be monetizing your blog. I have seen a lot of emails from my readers asking me how I monetize my blog because they don’t see any ads on my site.

Monetization is not just about placing ads on your blogs. There are numerous other ways in which you could be monetizing your blogs. If you have ever read Pat Flynn’s blog, you will notice that he doesn’t have a single ad on his blog. Yet his income from the blog is in high 6 figures.

So how do you monetize your blog? What is the best blog monetization strategy?

In this week’s link roundup we will be looking at some post that show you how to make real money with your blog.

Blog Monetization Strategy – Link Roundup

There are multiple ways in which you could be monetizing your blog. Some of the ways to make money from your blog are –

  • Run adsense ads
  • Sell ad spaces
  • Sell sponsored posts
  • Promote affiliate products
  • Create a backend product etc.

Your blog monetization strategy could involve any one of the above or, a combination of a few of the above methods. But whatever your strategy is, you need to carefully think through it and have a plan in place on how you want to implement it.

We have a few posts in this week’s link roundup that could help you plan your blog monetization strategy.

But first let us start with a post that shows you how to put a strong foundation for your blog; which is creating content that gets read.

Create A Perfect Blog Post, First Time, Every Time!

This post at income diary, is a nice guide for anyone that wants to write a perfect blog post, a blog post that gets read and that attracts visitors.


Bloggers like Jon Morrow for example.

Now, Mr Morrow is an exceptionally gifted writer with a powerful story and yes you may never write a blog post that gets 65000 shares.

But the truth is, you can do much better than you currently are by following the Perfect Blog Post Formula.

Let’s break the Perfect Blog Post down into 3 sections: the start, middle and end.

Read more at incomediary.com

How to Make $1,828 From Every Blog Post You Publish

If you want to learn how to make money, then nobody else to go to, but Neil Patel. He has a knack of making money even from scrap. And in this post he shows you how to make real money from every blog post that you publish.


Earning money from your blog can seem like an uphill battle. It can be particularly disheartening if you’re brand new to it and playing “catch up” with the experts.

You may be baffled as to why you’re only bringing in peanuts or maybe no money at all.

To make matters worse, you probably hear all about countless other bloggers who are out there crushing it — those people who seem to effortlessly bring in tens of thousands of dollars each month.

I remember how frustrating it was for me to find my voice, build an audience, earn their trust and ultimately generate income.

Read more at neilpatel.com

How to Add Signature or Ads after Post Content in WordPress

Have you ever wondered as to how they place those ads at the bottom of every post?

I am a little bit of a lazy bum when it comes to editing codes. While I have a fair bit of understanding about HTML and everything about WordPress, I still refrain myself from fiddling with the codes because I hate doing it.

I used to wonder as to how I could put an ad there at the bottom of every one of my post.

IF that was your question too, then this post at WP Beginner will help you do that.


Do you want to add a signature or advertisement after your blog post content in WordPress? By default, WordPress does not come with an easy way to display signature or ads after post content. In this article, we will show you how to easily add signature ads after post content in WordPress.

Read more at wpbeginner.com

Blogging School: What to Charge for Sponsored Posts

Have you ever been in a situation where you receive an email from somebody wanting to buy sponsored posts on your blog, enquiring about the price for a sponsored post and you are stumped on what to quote?

It is a very common situation for a lot of newbie bloggers. I too have been in that situation.

IF you want an answer to that question, then this post has the perfect answer.


Once you’ve started blogging, it’s almost inevitable that you will start to get emails from interested parties asking you for rate cards, wanting to know how much you charge for advertising and trying to get you to share their content in exchange for a free product. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and have no idea where to even start let alone what to charge for sponsored posts. Karlynn and I didn’t have a clue and remember, both of us started blogging in 2009 when there were basically NO helpful articles out there.

Here are a few things – not set in stone!- that we have learned along the way and we’re happy to share them with you. Do bear in mind that I come from a business sales and IT background and now run a technical website for a living, so I refer to the people contacting you as customers and I have picked up a lot of tricks from a few years of sales that I use in my daily website dealings.

Read more at thekitchenmagpie.com

How To Dive Into Blogging As A Stay-At-Home Mom

I know quite a few stay-at-home moms that are successful. My wife who runs a blog at http://thetastesofindia.com is one of them. I have also seen the struggles that she has gone through to start a blog.

These struggles are pretty much the same that every stay-at-home mom encounters when starting off with blogging.

This post is a nice guide for anyone who wants to jump into the world of blogging.

When I decided to leave my corporate job behind and stay at home with my kids, I knew it was just a matter of time before I would need a little more in my day than the routine of kids, carpools and house. Though I truly enjoy domesticity, I have a lot of creative energy in my spirit and it’s been such a blessing to discover blogging as a way to let this creative side of me soar.

I’ve learned a thing or two over the course of my 3-year stint in blogging, and I’m so happy to share few of the essential steps you need to take if you want to join in on the fun.

Read more at theglitterguide.com

7 Simple Tips to Make Your Blog Posts SEO Friendly

The first goal of every blogger is to get their posts ranked on the first page of Google. But the big question is, how?

While SEO is just one of the many aspects that could get your blog ranked on the first page of Google, it is also true that SEO is the most important aspect in achieving this feat.

But what is SEO and what are the things that you need to keep in mind to ensure that you are perfect on SEO?

This post has some nice tips. Though they are the absolute basics in SEO, it also makes it important that you read and understand these because its the basics where most of us falter.

7 simple tips to make your blog posts more SEO friendly, that is what we will focus on here to help better your visibility within the major search engines here today.

Visibility is a must, and while many people and voices are focused on blog promotion and so on, good ole’ search engine optimization is still the best way to generate free, quality, and a lasting flow of traffic to your blog posts.

So, with that, let’s look at 7 of the most SEO friendly best practices to help your blog posts get the best chances of visibility via search engines. Plus, I have a few extra bonus tips for you as well!

Read more at bloggingfromparadise.com

How to See a 10x Growth in Your Blog Traffic Now with Flipboard

Have you ever flipped any of your posts onto Flipboard?

If not, then it is time that you do it because Flipboard can be your answer to traffic, as you would find in this post. This post also has a simple step by step method of using Flipboard to generate traffic to your blog.

Do you ever check Alexa.com to see which keywords bring you search engine traffic?

As my recent article about Alexa explained, I check constantly.

According to Alexa.com, 15% of my traffic goes to an article about Flipboard I wrote almost two years ago.

To this day, How to Get Swarms of Free Traffic With Flipboard, continues to get a barrage of page views.

What is all the interest in Flipboard.com and how can you get mega traffic from this popular content curation site?

Read more at mostlyblogging.com

Why OneNote Rules for Blogging (And Other Stuff!)

I switched to OneNote sometime back, from Evernote. Since then I have been enjoying this nice little thing from Microsoft. If you haven’t already, then I would recommend that you do it right away.

OneNote is a beast, when it comes to Blogging Tools. You can read more about OneNote and how it can help you in Blogging, in this nice post at business2community.


OneNote is a bit of a Swiss Army Knife with a multitude of note taking applications. I use if for a couple of purposes, the first being engineering research and the second, and no doubt more nefarious, blogging. It is the latter application that I will be discussing today with the intention being to, in no uncertain terms, outline why OneNote is one of the best blogging tools on the face of this planet.

There is no shortage of good blogging tools, and no doubt you are thinking that my sanity has completely deserted me to propose OneNote as being one of them. But, if you give me but a few minutes of your time I will substantiate this outlandish claim with sound, reasoned points. Nine of them to be exact. Am I a bit annoyed that I could not make it to a round ten points, absolutely. But I will not be disheartened, and will progress nevertheless and if the readers come up with a tenth point, then please drop it in the comments section below. Let’s now begin with the slightly inadequate, 9 points.

Read more at business2community.com

9 First Step Goals for New Bloggers

This is a very simple and to-the-point post that I found at Problogger. If you are a newbie blogger then you will find the first lesson in blogging at this post. If you are an experienced blogger, then this post will open the drawing board for you once again, to review if you started right.

Many bloggers start blogs these days with the dream of millions of readers and making large amounts of money.

While it is possible to build blogs that are widely read and profitable and there’s nothing wrong with dreaming big – the reality is that it takes time and a lot of work to build these kinds of blogs.

New bloggers would do well to spend more time thinking about their ‘first steps’ than just the big picture dreams and goals that they have..

Read more at problogger.com

Over to You

Which of these posts did you like the most?

What monetization tip did you learn from the posts in this week’s link roundup?

Let us know your thoughts about the posts that we included in this week’s roundup. We hope that you were able to frame a blog monetization strategy, following one of the posts in this week’s roundup.

You can post your questions and comments in the comments section below.

Do share the post with your social media circles by hitting one of the sharing buttons below.

About the author

My name is Dilip. I am a fan of the internet and love the many opportunities that the world wide web provides. If used constructively , the internet can give you an opportunity to lead a life free of the 9-5 treadmill and will be able to give more time to your family members.
Read about internet entrepreneurship at my blog.

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