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  • Weekly Links Roundup Edition # 2 : 6 Tips on How to Drive Traffic to a Blog – 4th is the Simplest!

Weekly Links Roundup Edition # 2 : 6 Tips on How to Drive Traffic to a Blog – 4th is the Simplest!

Published on: August 30, 2016

Last Updated on - September 20, 2020  

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how to drive traffic to a blog

How to drive traffic to a Blog? This is one of the most common questions that I get asked from my email subscribers.

Almost all bloggers will have a strategy of their own and most of them will be around creating enough buzz for their latest posts as soon as it is published.

In addition to this, promoting the post at relevant places like some of the high visibility social media sites, blog discussion groups and at place like Triberr etc. is an important step in generating traffic to your blogs.

But in addition to all of these strategies, there are some essential elements in the blog post itself that you need to keep in mind which will serve as a hook for visitors coming to your blog, to share it with their friends and circles.

How to Drive Traffic to a Blog – Link Roundup

In this week’s link roundup, we will be looking at how to drive traffic to a blog by optimizing it and then by creating buzz for the latest posts. Some of these posts have some extremely handy tips which will be a good guidance for you when you write your next post.

One of the best tips in all of these was about writing effective headlines, that I read at Business 2 Community. All of the headline generators that were discussed were very effective in generating some nice and catchy headlines. Since all of them are FREE to use, you can straightaway start using them in your next blog post.

4 Creative Ways to Build Buzz for Your Next Blog Post Before It Goes Live

With blogging becoming more and more competitive, it is important that you find innovative ways to drive traffic to your blog posts. The old age and tried and tested formulae will work but the competition has rendered them extremely difficult to implement.

For eg: we all know that forum posting works and that it can generate traffic, but how many of us are willing to spend that amount of time at forums that are getting flooded with marketers and bloggers like you and me, to generate that trickle of traffic.

Innovation is the name of the game and this post had one of the most innovative techniques to generate traffic to your blog post.

I remember those days when I thought writing a blog post was enough.

I would invest all my efforts on choosing the right topic, writing a quality blog post, making it smart, funny, and engaging, adding interesting pictures, carefully crafting an eye-catching format, and choosing the right time to post.

I would weigh all my options, do all the hard work, hit ‘publish’, and then wait for the traffic to pour in.

It didn’t.

It wasn’t until I had wasted a considerable amount of effort that I realized that effectively promoting a blog post is as important as, if not more so, than writing quality content.

Read more at problogger.net

5 (FREE!) Blog Topic Generators to Get You Inspired

Have you ever fallen for one of those headlines that read, “10 Coolest places to visit before your die; 4th is my favorite“?

I am sure you have. We keep seeing these posts on Facebook and even in the “Related Content” section in a lot of blogs and they do entice you to click on them.

And if the content is worthy of the title, you end up sharing it with your friends and social media circles.

A good headline can hence be effective in generating traffic to your blogs by encouraging people to share it. And this post is about 5 such headline generators that are all free to use. You can use any of these and write headlines like the PRO.


I don’t know about you, but some days I feel like I’m overflowing with great ideas for blog posts, and other days the well is completely dry.

On those days I feel stuck. Every topic I come up with has been written about before. I can’t come up with an original idea to save my life. Why am I even blogging again?

I felt that way today as I sat down to write this post. I didn’t even have a starting point for what I thought I might want to write about. So I turned to some of my favorite tools to help me come up with some inspiration, and (indirectly) they inspired this post.

Read more at business2community.com

How to Set Up a Blog Schedule to Promote Your Success

A consistent blog schedule is as important as anything else, when it comes to success. I have seen bloggers who publish posts on a regular schedule seeing huge surge in traffic.

A blog schedule not only helps you in ensuring a regular update on your blog, it also ensures that you never run short of ideas for your blog posts. And since your readers know the days the posts are going to be published, the likelihood of them coming over to your blog to read you latest post is more. This way you will see a lot of repeat visitors to your blog.

This post at the blogging tips shows you in detail, how to set up a blog schedule.

If you’re struggling through the agonizing process of figuring out how to set up a blog schedule you may feel completely overwhelmed.

How can you publish a post every day if you feel burnt out?

Is it even possible to publish a thorough, SEO-optimized resource in a week’s worth of time?

If you have problems getting your work done you haven’t properly planned your schedule.

Taking into account why you’re blogging is the first step in this process.

Read more at bloggingtips.com

5 Best Content Writing Tools to Write Killer Blog Posts

How do you write your blog posts?

I have faced numerous instances where, I have almost completed writing my post directly on WordPress and due to a technical reason I find that the page refreshes and everything that I wrote is gone.

Though the latest versions of WordPress has features like saving to the browser, it is always safe to write your post on a Word document or, a notepad and then copy it over to your WordPress blog.

There are numerous other similar tools that can be a big help in order to churn out crowd pulling blog posts. This post has a collection of 5 such effective tools..

List of 5 best content writing tools, which can be your secret blogging friends. Check them all and start writing content like professionals.

Every Blogger wants to write the content in a quick manner and each of us practicing a lot to improve and enhance writing skills to curate outstanding content for next blog post. The good strategy to write a killer blog post like a use of templates, structures, formulas and lot more to build a good looking content are worth to use.

Few of us learn useful tricks to produce content quickly in better ways, and many bloggers are still looking for a perfect solution to write killer blog posts to attract more visitors to their blog. What is the best solution to fulfill the need of beautiful blog post? I have seen professionals are using few tools to write and enhance the content readability with better usage of words. Let me take you through those 5 Writing tools to create Killer blog post.

Read more at bforblogging.com

9 Different Types of Lead Magnets You Can Create Using Blogs You Already Have

Whenever there is a discussion of optin forms and lead magnets, the first question that comes to your mind is – What do I offer as a lead magnet?

It is a very difficult decision to make and at the same time a very important one.

Your lead magnet has to have the power to attract your readers and push them to give away their email address in order to receive it. Hence what you are offering has to be a valuable one and at the same time, information that is not easily available everywhere.

This post at the Hubspot talks about 9 different lead magnets that you can create using your own blogs..

Lead magnets are an effective technique for gaining a prospect’s contact information. The problem is that these magnets can take a lot of time and energy to produce. Podcasts, e-learning courses, video series, and contests all sound great but seriously, who has time for that?

In this article, I want to show you nine different lead magnets that you can create today by recycling content that you already have.Every blog post in your archive has the potential to generate new leads for your business so let’s make sure that your blog is a lead generating machine.

Read more at blog.hubspot.com

How to Get Blog Traffic: 5 Ways That Actually Work

How to drive traffic to a blog? The one line answer to this question is to follow the basics. The principle and methods are pretty much the same as you would read in every other blog. The strategies might differ a little depending upon each blogger.

If you have difficulty understanding these concepts, then this post that explains some of these strategies in a step by step manner can be very helpful to you..

There are literally hundreds of how-to’s, ultimate guides, and list posts on how to get blog traffic. And yet, it’s still one of the biggest struggles among unsuccessful bloggers and website owners.

Why do you think that is?

I tell you…

The main reason why thousands of bloggers and marketers can’t get blog traffic is because most of the material out there doesn’t exactly show you the exact steps to implementing traffic methods.

Instead, they give a brief introduction to the traffic methods, or at best…a summary of what to do. You know? They don’t exactly show you what to do.

But that’s not what you’re going to get today.

Read more at bloggingaid.com

Over to You Now

We hope you enjoyed this week’s link roundup. The strategies and tips that you read might not be new, but they are very effective. All that you need to do it implement them and use them.

Success at blogging is more of consistency. Just do the basics judiciously and there is no reason why you shouldn’t succeed.

I hope you learnt a step or, two on how to drive traffic to a blog.

So which one of the above posts did you like the most and why? Do let us know your thoughts by commenting below.

Don’t forget to hit the share button below and share the post with your friends.

About the author

My name is Dilip. I am a fan of the internet and love the many opportunities that the world wide web provides. If used constructively , the internet can give you an opportunity to lead a life free of the 9-5 treadmill and will be able to give more time to your family members.
Read about internet entrepreneurship at my blog.

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