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How To Expand Your Email Lists To Earn You More Money!

April 29, 2010

minutes read

Email Marketing StrategyThis is a guest post by Lena Morrish & Dima Nikolayenko. You can read more about guest posting at DKSpeaks here.

You have come a long way from the first days of building your home Internet business.  You know how to host your own website and have fantastic products or services, and you are finally ready to send out your first newsletter, telling all of your customers about the special offers and incentives that will keep them coming back for more. The time has come for you to learn how to run a successful email campaign ? One that will increase your customer lists and continue earning you money.

Email campaigns have proven to be one of the best forms of direct marketing.  With all of the people online these days, this comes as no surprise.  Emails can reach massive amounts of people in very little time.

If you are sending out a newsletter, then it is likely that you have already generated a respectable contact list ? A list of those customers who have signed up to hear from you and who are expecting you send them information.  You need to make sure that you send them emails that will immediately seize their attention.  To do this means first giving them a reason to open your email and then giving them a reason to actually read it, click through to your site, and of course, make a purchase.

Given that the statistics show most people will not read your email, much less buy something, in order to overcome the odds, you need to have as many email addresses as possible.  If your website is attracting visitors, then you can increase your email lists by getting as many of those visitors as possible to sign up to receive information from you.  You can get people do this by offering them an incentive to do so.  You can do simple, cost-free things like offer a discount coupon for anyone that signs up.  You can also offer incentives for those same people to get other people to sign up.  I know about a website that was into customization of merchandises offering free personalized sports bottles as an incentive to signing up. Use your imagination and think about what would encourage you to sign up.

Once you get people to sign up to receive your emails, you have already made it over one of the biggest barriers in the market ? You have actually generated some interest.  And not only that, these are voluntary customers who want to hear from you!  Take your email contacts seriously and treat them with respect.  Don’t start spamming them with anything you can think of.

The trick is targeting the right people with the right emails. One of the best ways to ensure that you maintain your current customers is by sending them emails only about services and products that are relevant to them – sending out irrelevant emails will more than likely result in deleted emails.  Send out enough irrelevant emails and you are sure to get unsubscribe notices!

Your automatic e-mail marketing responder software can take care of target marketing for you.  Your autoresponder keeps your customer lists organized based on their interests and past purchases.  All you have to do is craft the effective email copy that will compel your customers to action.  For this you can use one of many target marketing templates designed to catch the attention of your reader. Always make sure that you provide an obvious website-link in your emails.  Don’t make people search for them.

Another great method for increasing your email list is by getting involved in affiliate marketing programs.  Once you team up with associated businesses, you have an opportunity to take advantage of their customer lists.  Affiliate marketing helps to ensure that you are connected only with those customers whose interests match your products and services, giving you a greater chance of making a sale.

Lena Morrish & Dima Nikolayenko are founders of Bridge To Success Co and can help you if you are wondering how to start your own Internet business the right way. Their website, InternetBusinessBTS.com provides you with useful, updated information on not only such technical issues like ‘how to host my website‘, but also on such vital aspects of successfully managing your home internet business like running email campaigns using automatic e-mail marketing responder software, and other ways to attract visitors to your website.

About the author

My name is Dilip. I am a fan of the internet and love the many opportunities that the world wide web provides. If used constructively , the internet can give you an opportunity to lead a life free of the 9-5 treadmill and will be able to give more time to your family members.
Read about internet entrepreneurship at my blog.

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