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How to Get 2 Cent Clicks from Facebook Ads?

August 26, 2013

Last Updated on - August 29, 2013  

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Suddenly Facebook ads seem to be the next biggest thing on the internet. Every product that is launched and every training created by everyone from the Internet Marketing Gurus to the average Joe who claims to make a billion dollars on the internet, is now focussed on Facebook ads.

What has suddenly changed that the focus has shifted over to FB ads once again?

If you are wondering about the use of “once again” in the above paragraph, let me give you a context to it.

FB ads were one of the most talked about things about an year ago. Not a lot of social media sites gave you the option of advertising on them. So when Facebook came up with their paid ads, it looked like nothing else ever existed. People flocked to FB and created ads for everything until FB started to lay down conditions on approving ads.

Couple this with the fact that the click-thru-rates were not that great on the ads and that was enough reason for people to slowly shift away from Facebook ads.

The New ERA Facebook Ads!

What has changed in Facebook ads?

Why all this hype about FB ads again?

To answer this question, let us first discuss about a few of the changes that Facebook has brought about in the recent weeks. The first of it being “Facebook Graph Search”. The second one being Facebook typing up with Bing for additional search results and the last one being FB power editor.

Let’s discuss each of this in a little detail.

For people who do not know about Facebook Graph Search, it is a semantic search engine that has recently been introduced by Facebook. You can search for very common questions and find answers to them. The data that Facebook uses is primarily from its user base and additional results provided by Bing ads, thanks to its tie up with Bing.

fb graph search

The Graph Search was a huge leap for Facebook. Though it has not yet been released completely to all its users, the feature has found quite a lot of takers. In addition to this, there are additional search results that are provided by Bing and this made it all the more lucrative for users to get on FB search pages.

The other significant change in Facebook was the addition of the Power Editor. Power editor is a feature you can use only on Chrome. This feature helps you use a custom list of FB users to whom you want your ads to show up. This was a kicker of a feature and this is what prompted most Internet Marketers to jump into the FB ads bandwagon again.

How to Get FB user IDs?

How do you get a list of custom FB users, you ask? That was the obvious question after all the discussion above.

All of this power editor and custom list features in Facebook makes use of something called as Facebook group IDs. Facebook gives you the option of creating groups. There are thousands and thousands of people out there who have created groups on specific interests or, niches.

Imagine if you could get access to these groups and get a list of every user who is part of these groups..

Since these groups target specific niches and interests, the members in each of these groups are people who are keenly interested in the topic and makes an ideal audience for somebody who is promoting products targetting these interests.

If yoy are able to get the details of such users, they will abviously be extremely targetted and will mean that you have a list of buying population at your disposal.

How you get the details of these members…? This is done by extracting their user IDs. Once you have these user ids, you can create a list of custom audience and upload that to your FB ads’ power editor, so that you ads only show up to these people. Isn’t that amazing?

Extracting these FB user IDs is not an easy task. But there are some very simple softwares that can help you do it.

FB Group Snatcher – This is a budget software for people who do not want to spend more. The only caveat is that there is a little extra effort that you need to put in to get the User IDs. You can read more about this software here.

Social Lead Freak – This is a software that completely automates the extraction of the IDs but is a little expensive that FB group Snatcher. You can check out this software here.

So that’s how people are getting 2 cent clicks from Facebook ads these days. This traffic is extremely good to build lists and to market your affiliate products because these are a group of people who are already interested in what you are selling.

We will discuss more about how to create these ads and profit from them in another post.

Until then you might be interested in reading this – 2 Cent Facebook Clicks.

Don’t forget to tell me your thoughts about this post.

About the author

My name is Dilip. I am a fan of the internet and love the many opportunities that the world wide web provides. If used constructively , the internet can give you an opportunity to lead a life free of the 9-5 treadmill and will be able to give more time to your family members.
Read about internet entrepreneurship at my blog.

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