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How to Research Buyer Keywords the right way?

Published on: May 23, 2014

Last Updated on - May 23, 2014  

minutes read

Keyword research is a painful exercise. While there are thousands of articles out there on keyword research and researching buyer keywords, people like you and me find it the easiest to skip. This is primarily because of the fact that, keyword research takes a lot of time and is very tedious. So the thought process is, that we can skip over to spend that time of generating content and maybe pickup the keywords from some of the other successful blogs or, websites.

Is this technique good?

The answer could be a “yes” and a “no”. Let me explain it in detail.

All of this starts with the first question – Do you really need to research buyer keywords?

Do You Need to Research Buyer Keywords?

The decision almost entirely depends upon your business model. If you are running a blog like the one here, you certainly do not need to spend time researching buyer keywords. The intention with my blog here is certainly not to attract buyers and sell something to them.

When the intention itself is not to sell anything directly, I will not be looking to attract customers who are looking at buying something. Rather I should say, customers who are ready to buy something. Hence I do not need to optimize my site for buyer keywords. My objective here is to present my visitors with good quality information based content and build a list from the traffic I am generating. I can research general keywords and focus on creating my content around these keywords.

Now, imagine if you are running a blog on Amazon product reviews or, maybe reviews of Clickbank products. You are not looking at people coming to your site and browsing away. You are not even looking at ONLY building your list. While building your list should be a part of your business plan there, your primary objective and intention is to convert the visitor into a buyer.

Hence, you need visitors who have done with their primary browsing around, researching about what are the best products etc, and are now in the buying mode. They have their credit cards out and are looking at the best deals.

Your website should hence be optimized for such people. But the question is how do you identify such people?

Identifying Buyers using Buyer Keywords

research buyer keywordsYou identify them from the searches. Such people will use very specific search terms or, keywords while they are searching. Put yourself into the shoes of a person who is preparing to buy a mobile phone, let us say a Samsung S5. What are the keywords you will use to search on Google?

  • Buy Samsung S5
  • Purchase Samsung S5
  • Samsung S5 Reviews
  • Samsung S5 Customer reviews
  • Samsung S5 deals
  • Samsung S5 discount
  • Samsung S5 online stores
  • Samsung S5 best deals

The list can go on and on…

You can see a definite behavior in the keywords that are being used. These keywords are “Buyer Keywords”.

So how do you research Buyer Keywords?

How to Research Buyer Keywords Correctly

Buyer keywords differ from research keywords in a few simple aspects –

  • Buyer keywords will be for specific products. For a keyword research tool, a typical research keyword will be “best keyword research software”, whereas a buyer keyword will be “Buy Micro Niche Finder”
  • Buyer keyword will have a prefix or, a suffix that demonstrates a buying intention.
  • Buyer keyword will be long tail keywords

Buyer keywords research should be done with these key aspects in mind. You cannot optimize your site for a keyword like “Buy best keyword research software”. It is an incorrect keyword because of the sheer reason that there is no specific product that the keyword is targeting.

At this point, you might have got a hang of what a buyer keyword is and how does it look.

One of the key aspects to bear in mind, when researching a buyer keyword for your site is the fact that it should be for a specific product. So the steps involved in researching a buyer keyword will be –

  • Identify the product you are targeting
  • Write down terms that you will use when you are looking at buying something. Some of these are the terms that you saw in the list above. There could be many more such terms.
  • Add these terms to your product name, both as suffixes and prefixes.
  • Look at variations of the product names. For eg: Samsung S5 could have alternatives like Samsung S5 smartphone, Samsung Galaxy S5 etc.

It is important that you research your buyer keywords correctly in order to deflect general product researchers. Correctly research buyer keywords will mean extremely targeted traffic which in turn will mean better ROI and conversions.

Do let us know you thoughts about researching buyer keywords by commenting below.

About the author

My name is Dilip. I am a fan of the internet and love the many opportunities that the world wide web provides. If used constructively , the internet can give you an opportunity to lead a life free of the 9-5 treadmill and will be able to give more time to your family members.
Read about internet entrepreneurship at my blog.

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