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  • 5 Affiliate Link Cloaking Plugins in WordPress that can Protect Your Commissions

5 Affiliate Link Cloaking Plugins in WordPress that can Protect Your Commissions

February 17, 2023

Last Updated on - February 17, 2023  

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affiliate link cloaking plugins

Affiliate marketing can be a great way to make some extra money.

However, if you’re not careful, you could end up losing commissions to thieves.

That’s why it’s important to use affiliate link-cloaking plugins.

In this blog post, we will discuss five of the best affiliate link cloaking plugins for WordPress. We’ll also talk about how they can help protect your commissions!

Affiliate Link Cloaking Plugins for WordPress

If you are an affiliate marketer, then you know that affiliate links can be a target for thieves. There are people out there who will try to steal your commissions by replacing your affiliate ID with their own. This is called affiliate link hijacking.

Link cloaking plugins can help prevent this from happening. These plugins will create a unique, cloaked affiliate link for you. That way, even if someone tries to hijack your link, they won’t be able to get your commissions.

There are many different affiliate link-cloaking plugins available for WordPress. But here are 5 of the best plugins.

Pretty Links

The first plugin on our list is Pretty Link. Pretty Link is a popular affiliate link cloaking plugin that has been around for many years. It is a very user-friendly plugin that is perfect for beginners. Simply install the plugin and activate it, then create your cloaked links using the built-in interface.

Pretty Link also includes some advanced features, such as the ability to track clicks and conversions. This can be helpful if you want to see which of your affiliate links are performing the best. Pretty Link is a free plugin, but there is also a premium version available with additional features.


  1. URL shortening and tracking: Pretty Links allows you to create shortened, branded URLs that redirect to your website, and tracks the clicks on those links.
  2. Customizable slug: You can customize the slug of your links to make them more meaningful and easier to remember.
  3. Link redirection: You can redirect your links to any URL, including affiliate links, and track clicks on those links.
  4. Link cloaking: You can hide the destination URL of your links, which can be helpful in affiliate marketing or for privacy reasons.
  5. Link categorization: You can categorize your links to organize them and make them easier to manage.
  6. Automatic linking: Pretty Links can automatically link certain keywords on your website to the specified URLs.


  1. Better branding: By using Pretty Links to create shortened URLs, you can create branded links that are more memorable and professional-looking.
  2. Increased click-through rates: By tracking clicks on your links, you can see which links are most effective and optimize your marketing efforts accordingly.
  3. Increased affiliate revenue: By using Pretty Links to cloak your affiliate links and track clicks, you can optimize your affiliate marketing efforts and increase your revenue.
  4. Improved SEO: By using Pretty Links to automatically link certain keywords to specified URLs, you can improve the SEO of your website and drive more traffic.
  5. Time-saving: By categorizing and organizing your links with Pretty Links, you can save time and be more efficient in managing your website.
  6. Enhanced security: By cloaking your links with Pretty Links, you can protect your website from malicious attacks or unwanted visitors.

Easy Affiliate Links

Easy Affiliate Links is another user-friendly option that is perfect for beginners. It includes a built-in interface for creating cloaked affiliate links.

Easy Affiliate Links also includes some advanced features, such as link redirects and affiliate link stats. These can be helpful if you want to track your affiliate link performance. Easy Affiliate Links is a free plugin, but there is also a premium version available with additional features.

Here are the features, benefits, and use cases of the plugin:


  1. Customizable links: The plugin allows you to create custom affiliate links that are easy to remember and share.
  2. Link categories: You can categorize your affiliate links to keep them organized and easy to manage.
  3. Link redirection: The plugin enables you to redirect your affiliate links to the destination page automatically.
  4. Link cloaking: The plugin allows you to cloak your affiliate links to make them look more professional.
  5. Statistics tracking: You can track the performance of your affiliate links, such as clicks, views, and conversions.


  1. Time-saving: The plugin saves you time by automating the process of creating and managing affiliate links.
  2. Professional appearance: Cloaking your affiliate links makes them look more professional, increasing the likelihood that users will click on them.
  3. Increased revenue: By tracking the performance of your affiliate links, you can optimize your affiliate marketing strategy to increase your revenue.
  4. User-friendly: The plugin is easy to use and does not require technical expertise.

Use cases:

  1. Affiliate marketing: If you’re an affiliate marketer, the plugin can help you manage and track your affiliate links.
  2. Blogging: If you’re a blogger, you can use the plugin to monetize your blog by adding affiliate links to your posts.
  3. E-commerce: If you have an e-commerce website, you can use the plugin to promote your products by creating and tracking affiliate links.
  4. Sponsored content: If you publish sponsored content on your website, the plugin can help you manage and track the performance of your affiliate links in the sponsored posts.

WP Affiliate Links

If you are looking for a more powerful affiliate link cloaking plugin, then consider WP affiliate links. WP affiliate links is a premium plugin that includes many features not found in other plugins. For example, it includes the ability to cloak multiple affiliate links at once. It also includes a link rotator, which can be helpful if you want to promote multiple affiliate products.

WP affiliate links also include some features that are designed to help you increase your affiliate commissions. For example, it includes a built-in affiliate link shortener. This can be helpful if you want to post your affiliate links on social media. WP affiliate links is a premium plugin, but it includes a 14-day money-back guarantee.


  1. Affiliate link management: WP Affiliate Links allows you to manage and track all your affiliate links in one place.
  2. Link cloaking: You can cloak your affiliate links to make them more user-friendly and professional-looking.
  3. Link redirect: You can redirect your affiliate links to any URL, including your own website, and track clicks on those links.
  4. Automatic keyword linking: You can automatically link specific keywords on your website to your affiliate links.
  5. Link categories: You can categorize your affiliate links to organize them and make them easier to manage.
  6. Customizable link parameters: You can add custom parameters to your affiliate links, such as campaign or source tracking codes.


  1. Increased revenue: By managing and optimizing your affiliate links with WP Affiliate Links, you can increase your affiliate revenue.
  2. Better user experience: By cloaking your affiliate links and making them more user-friendly, you can improve the user experience on your website and increase click-through rates.
  3. Improved SEO: By automatically linking specific keywords on your website to your affiliate links, you can improve the SEO of your website and drive more traffic.
  4. Time-saving: By organizing and managing your affiliate links with WP Affiliate Links, you can save time and be more efficient in your affiliate marketing efforts.
  5. Enhanced tracking: By tracking clicks on your affiliate links with WP Affiliate Links, you can optimize your marketing efforts and improve your ROI.
  6. Advanced link management: With WP Affiliate Links, you can create and manage multiple affiliate campaigns, track conversions, and view reports to measure the success of your campaigns.

Thirsty Affiliates

ThirstyAffiliates is a popular affiliate link-cloaking plugin that has been around for many years and our favorite. We use Thirsty affiliates on all of our sites.

Thirsty affiliates includes all of the features you would expect from a premium plugin, such as the ability to cloak multiple affiliate links and the ability to track clicks and conversions.

ThirstyAffiliates also includes some unique features, such as affiliate link categories and the ability to mass-generate affiliate links. This can be helpful if you want to create a large number of affiliate links at once. ThirstyAffiliates is a premium plugin but also comes with a FREE option. The premium version also comes with a 14-day money-back guarantee.

It is one of the best affiliate link cloaking plugins when compared to some of the other plugins.

Here are some advantages of Thirsty affiliate in comparison to the other plugins.

  1. Comprehensive link management: Thirsty Affiliates provides a comprehensive link management system, which allows you to easily manage all of your affiliate links from a single dashboard.
  2. Advanced link cloaking: The plugin provides advanced link cloaking options to make your affiliate links more attractive, user-friendly and professional-looking. You can customize the link structure, add redirects and even replace keywords with affiliate links.
  3. Smart uncloaking options: Thirsty Affiliates provides smart uncloaking options that allows you to automatically uncloak links for search engines and bots, so that your website stays compliant with search engine guidelines.
  4. Robust reporting and tracking: The plugin provides detailed reporting and tracking features that help you to track clicks and conversions, view referral URLs and more, so that you can make data-driven decisions to optimize your marketing efforts.
  5. Automatic linking: Thirsty Affiliates also offers automatic linking, which allows you to automatically add affiliate links to specific keywords or phrases in your content.
  6. Add-ons for enhanced functionality: Thirsty Affiliates offers add-ons that provide additional functionality such as geolocation-based links, automatic Amazon product linking and more.
  7. Developer-friendly: Thirsty Affiliates is developer-friendly, meaning it can be easily extended and customized using hooks and filters.

Overall, Thirsty Affiliates provides a feature-rich, user-friendly and flexible link management solution, which makes it a better affiliate link cloaking plugin compared to other available options in the WordPress plugin marketplace.

Simple URLs

The WordPress plugin Simple URLs is a simple and powerful tool for managing URL redirection and link tracking.

With its customizable URL structure, link tracking and analytics, import/export functionality, and support for custom fields and shortcodes, Simple URLs provides a user-friendly interface for creating and managing branded and memorable links.

The plugin is developer-friendly, providing hooks and filters for customization, and supports regular expression matching for more advanced redirecting options.

Simple URLs is a great option for managing broken or outdated links, creating user-friendly links, and tracking the performance of your redirects.

Here’s a list of the features of this affiliate link cloaking plugin.

  1. URL redirection: Simple URLs allow you to easily redirect any URL on your website to another URL, making it a useful tool for managing broken or outdated links.
  2. Customizable URL structure: The plugin allows you to customize the URL structure of your redirects, making it easy to create user-friendly, branded, and memorable links.
  3. Link tracking and analytics: Simple URLs provide link tracking and analytics, allowing you to track the number of clicks, referrals, and conversions generated by your redirects.
  4. Import/export functionality: The plugin provides import/export functionality, which makes it easy to transfer your redirects between different WordPress installations.
  5. Custom fields: Simple URLs support custom fields, which allow you to add additional information to your redirects, such as an affiliate ID, campaign ID, or source tracking code.
  6. Developer-friendly: Simple URLs is developer-friendly, providing hooks and filters that enable developers to extend and customize the plugin.
  7. Shortcode support: The plugin supports shortcodes, allowing you to easily insert your redirects into posts, pages, and other content types.
  8. Regular expression matching: Simple URLs supports regular expression matching, which provides more advanced redirecting options.
  9. User-friendly interface: The plugin provides a simple and user-friendly interface, which makes it easy to create, manage, and track your redirects.

Conclusion – The Best Affiliate Link Cloaking plugin

These are five of the best affiliate link-cloaking plugins for WordPress. Each plugin has its own unique set of features. So, be sure to choose the plugin that best suits your needs.

I recommend Thirsty affiliates which is something I use and absolutely love.

Do you have a favorite affiliate link cloaking plugin? Let us know in the comments below!

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About the author

My name is Dilip. I am a fan of the internet and love the many opportunities that the world wide web provides. If used constructively , the internet can give you an opportunity to lead a life free of the 9-5 treadmill and will be able to give more time to your family members.
Read about internet entrepreneurship at my blog.

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