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How to Get Your Guest Blogging Proposal Accepted by Bloggers

November 27, 2019

Last Updated on - November 27, 2019  

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guest blogging proposal

Guest blogging is a strategy for some and a hobby for others.

Freelancers and businesses might use guest posting opportunities as a search engine optimization (SEO) tactic.

Conversely, both independent and specialty writers might compose a piece for the sheer joy of sharing their insight. 

Whatever your reason for writing and submitting a guest blog post is, there are ways to get your blog proposal accepted and published.

Check out these simple suggestions for writing a guest blogging proposal that will get approved.

How to Get Your Guest Blogging Proposal Accepted

Pay Attention to Guidelines

Most websites that accept guest posts have guidelines, submitters should abide by. The directions are meant to outline the way the post is written, formatted, and submitted and are beneficial for website owners and writers alike. 

Site owners and operators who provide guest writers with rules can point to the instructions rather than repeatedly answering common questions the writers might have.

More importantly, writers who abide by the protocols don’t waste time composing insufficient content.

If you can’t find post guidelines on the website itself, you might have to submit a request to the site as a content writer before receiving the information in your email inbox.

If that structure doesn’t exist, try emailing the company to see if they are currently accepting guest posts.

Some helpful information the guidelines might state include:

  • Word count range
  • Formatting advice
  • Type of file formats accepted
  • Reference and external link limits
  • Inclusion of an author biography
  • Timeframe in which the post should be completed

Each website is different, though.

Don’t assume what you write will be accepted by any website that welcomes guest posts because your content might not match the site’s niche, tone, style, or audience among other aspects.

If you don’t follow the website guidelines, the likelihood your article will get accepted is lessened. The directions are there for a reason!

Write Original Content

Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the guest post guidelines, you can begin to brainstorm and write content for the blog post.

While some can immediately start typing their ideas after they know the subject and guidelines, others need to make a writing strategy.

Content creation strategies look different from writer to writer. So, here are our tips for creating a blog proposal that flows, as well as has factual and interesting information.

Brainstorm Ideas

First, write down the first ideas that come to your mind.

These don’t need to be full sentences – just jot down your incomplete, unformatted thoughts. We’ll get to the structure in a bit.

Without considering formatting and grammatical correctness, your ideas can flow freely from your mind to your pen, keyboard, or other documentation utensil. 

Categorize Your Thoughts

Once you have a collection of thoughts about your subject, you can begin to categorize them. Ask yourself which ideas follow a similar theme or pattern and group them together.

Summarize the Concepts

Now, create a heading that summarizes the thoughts you just organized. What connects all the ideas?

The section headings are just as important as the content within the post.

Catchy headings can stop people mid-scroll and entice them to read on. Headings should be concise, catchy, and attention-grabbing, since 55% of article visitors skim content as opposed to reading it all the way through.  

Organize Your Content

You have headings and related information under them.

The next step to take is organizing that content to flow. There are a few ways you can do this.

Order of Importance – This is a subjective way to order the information, but it’s up to you as the writer to dictate how you think the reader should discover it. 

Cause and Effect – Show readers how and why something happens with cause and effect organization. This format is great for sharing stories. 

Chronologically – You can relay information in two ways: earliest to latest or present to past. The way you organize the content in your blog post is helpful in examining the change in one or more concepts over time.

Compare and Contrast – Take what your focus is and show the readers what the flipside of that concentration is. Comparing and contrasting is helpful to readers because it offers a different perspective that can be used to impact their absorption of information.

Edit the Work

Editing your content is just as important as initially writing it, so the writing process doesn’t end once you’ve reached the wordcount minimum. 

If you’ve written what you want to say and have come to a stopping point, use that opportunity to take a break from writing.

Come back in a while to edit your work with fresh eyes and possibly a fresh outlook on the subject. 

You can also ask another person for their opinion on the piece. A different perspective than your own can help you scale the credibility and angle of the article you’re interested in proposing. 

Advice to Keep in Mind When Writing

Authenticity is a factor the blog post editors look for.

Whoever is accepting the guest post will likely run your proposal through plagiarism checkers, grammar scanners, and other professional writing tools.

This is all to ensure the quality and originality of a piece that will go onto their site and link back to yours. 

Save yourself energy, embarrassment, and even time by writing your own content. The world needs more insight and perspectives, anyway; it might as well be yours. 

Plus, your content is optimized by search engines when your content is original as opposed to duplicated.

That means your article isn’t penalized by the bots that crawl your site. 

Non-duplicated content ultimately draws more traffic to the site and article itself. Section 7.4 of the Google Search Quality Rating Guidelines addresses how quality and originality of content affects the SEO rankings of your article and site it’s hosted on.

It’s also wise to include graphics, images and links. 

Graphics, such as stock photos, infographics, etc. help break up sections and make it more readable, as well as potentially adding value depending on the graphic type. 

Links should also be included (depending on the guidelines/restrictions). Aside from helping with SEO (for author links), external links to outside sources help validate the content you are writing about.

Final Words

Quality should always come first.

By following these tips, you’re one step closer to getting your blog proposal accepted.

Contact Code Authority’s digital content professionals if your backlink strategy is lacking. We’ll assist you in digital transformation and business success with our comprehensive digital marketing services such as SEO, content management, link building, and more. 

About the Author:

Ashley is the digital content manager at Code Authority – a technology consulting and software development company in Frisco, Texas. When she’s not writing engaging, SEO-optimized content for clients, she enjoys spending time with her dog, Sally, that’s mixed with Australian cattle dog, white Swiss shepherd, and Siberian husky.

About the author

These posts are submitted by our Guest Bloggers. We accept guest posts on topics that are relevant to our blog like blogging, internet entrepreneurship tutorials, affiliate marketing, social media etc. You can read more about how to submit guest posts by visiting our write-for-us page.

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