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  • Weekly Link Roundup # 26 – Normal is Boring in Social Media, Be Different for Better Results

Weekly Link Roundup # 26 – Normal is Boring in Social Media, Be Different for Better Results

Published on: April 7, 2017

Last Updated on - June 19, 2021  

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social media

Since the time social media became a craze, a lot has changed.

Take for example, Twitter. From it being a platform to share ideas and tips in 140 characters, it became a place to advertise your business in 140 characters.

Scroll through your Twitter feed and you are sure to find 95-96% of tweets only promoting something.

The story is not any different on the other social media channels as well. And to some extent that was expected.

With every latest course being on “tips to making money” with these social media channels, every marketer – newbie and experienced was supposed to be on these channels.

But things are changing. Twitter’s popularity has gone down. And with Mastodon knocking on its doors, it might just be a matter of time before people switch over to Mastodon from Twitter.

Social Media is Changing

A change was expected. At least with this amount of noise on your social media timelines, a change was inevitable. And that change is happening.

You can see how Facebook has given the control back to its users on what they want to see on their newsfeed. Twitter is also taking a similar route.

Youtube also has undergone a lot of change though all of it might not be visible. Ranking videos on the first page is not as simple as it used to be earlier. And there seems to be some relevance to what shows up on the first page, these days.

With changing social media, the marketer also has to change. He cannot be spamming social media timelines and expect to get away with it.

With that hope that there will be a lot of positive changes in the near future, we get onto this week’s link roundup where we focus on changing for the better.

A Social Video Toolkit to Save You Time and Money

I am a fan of videos and most of my earning are from video marketing. While some of my favorite tools include, Camtasia studio, Wondershare Filmora, Explaindio and Easy Sketch Pro, there are numerous other tools that can simplify your video marketing strategy.

This is an interesting post with a list of social video tools that can save you a lot of time and some money, for sure.


If you aren’t already incorporating social video into your marketing strategy, it may well be the technical side of things that’s holding you back. After all, while 84 percent of professional marketers have recently used video marketing, according to Animoto, only 55 percent of small and medium-sized business owners have done so.

While professional marketers have access to larger budgets and high-end video tools, it can be harder for smaller operations to get a social video marketing plan off the ground.

Fortunately, there are plenty of free and inexpensive social video apps and tools that businesses of any size can use to create compelling videos for use on all social media channels. From quick text animations to photo-based video slideshows to movie-like video storytelling, here are eight social video tools that can help you create your first marketing video before the end of the day.

read more at blog.hootsuite.com

How to Set Up an Effective Facebook Ad Campaign

Facebook ads is huge. If you can crack the Facebook ads code and learn the knack to create profitable ad campaign, then this is a giant resource to generate leads and make money.

I have struggled with Facebook ads. While some of my ads were profitable, yet others weren’t. Probably that is how it is meant to be.

Though you might lose money in some ads and gain in some, the important thing is to learn the basics of advertising on Facebook.

And this is a nice and interesting post on the basics of Facebook ads.

Are you considering Facebook ads?

Wondering how to set up a successful Facebook ad campaign?

Understanding the fundamentals of Facebook advertising can help you avoid common mistakes that cost time and money.

In this article, you’ll discover how to create an effective Facebook advertising campaign.

How to Set Up an Effective Facebook Ad Campaign by Charlie Lawrance on Social Media Examiner.

Before you spend another penny on Facebook advertising, you need to have a plan of action. Otherwise, you’ll be flying blind with no clear idea of where you want to go.

To see consistent results, identify where in your sales funnel you can leverage Facebook ads. Answer these four questions to help define your strategy:

read more at socialmediaexaminer.com

Social Media Micro-Influencers: What Are They and Where do you Find Them?

I am slowly becoming a fan of Instagram. I have a few niche accounts on Instagram where I built a decent following using some of the influencers.

All I did was to reach out to them and do a shout-out campaign with them. With the kind of following they had and considering that they were all influencers in the niche, I was sure to gain at least a 1000 followers with each shout-out.

And that is what happened. I was able to build close to 4000 followers with just about 6 shout-outs.

Influencers are indeed the most sought after breed right now. But do you know that there is another category called micro-influencers? Read this post to know more about them and how you could use them to build your following.

Social media influencers are all the rage right now, with marketers and businesses clamoring to utilize influencers to promote their products or services in order to reach a larger audience.

As a small business, however, it can be difficult to get those big names to help support you – and that’s where micro-influencers come in.

In this blog post, we’ll look at what social media micro-influencers are, where to find them and how they can help boost your outreach strategies.

Micro-influencers are basically influencers with a smaller audience – generally of under 100k, but over 10k followers.

read more at socialmediatoday.com

How to Customize Your Facebook News Feed to Maximize Your Productivity

Facebook newsfeed is another place full of noise. I was starting to feel that my newsfeed was not mine. What I would see on my newsfeed was decided by some strange algorithm from Facebook and none of those were really relevant to me.

While the option of deciding on what you want to see is more or, less governed by Facebook even now, you still have some options to customize your newsfeed.

And this post talks you through how to customize your newsfeed to maximize your productivity.

Facebook is still the leading platform for marketers. From our State of Social Media 2016 report, we found that 93 percent of marketers are actively using Facebook for their business.

As social media marketers, we spend a lot of time on Facebook, managing our Pages, engaging our fans, finding good content, and creating ads.

In this post, I’d love to go through some of the less-known ways of customizing your Facebook News Feed to help you cut through the clutter, save time, and be more efficient.

read more at blog.bufferapp.com

10 Outstanding Social Media Campaigns You Need to See

Learning and perfecting is easiest when you follow proven people and proven campaigns. Since there is no need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to social media marketing and all you need to do is copy what is working, the best way to learn is to look at campaigns that are doing well and learn from them.

This post looks at 10 such outstanding social media campaigns, which you can see and learn from.


You can use social media marketing to inspire, enrage, amuse, or sell your stuff to people. Even in what has basically become a pay-to-play channel, marketers continue to find creative ways to increase their visibility and reach while simultaneously conveying their brand’s message.

So which brands are successfully tapping into the desires and needs of their target audience on social media? This post compiles 10 outstanding examples of social media campaigns you need to see.

read more at searchenginejournal.com

The Ultimate Guide to Instagram Hashtags in 2017

Instagram is a very strong platform for marketers and if you know how to do it right, your business could just explode on Instagram.

One of the foundations to a successful marketing campaign on Instagram is using the right hashtags. But finding the right hashtags is the most difficult thing to do.

And this blog post details a lot of tips that you could use in finding the right hashtags in 2017.

When it comes to using Instagram hashtags, it can be a bit of a touchy subject; some people hate them, and some people love them a little too much. But did you know that posts with at least one Instagram hashtag average 12.6% more engagement than posts without a hashtag?

The Ultimate Guide to Instagram Hashtags in 2017 will help you understand everything you need to know about using Instagram hashtags to gain followers and increase likes. Learn how to use Instagram hashtags strategically, and what steps you need to take to implement an effective hashtag strategy that boosts the reach of your Instagram marketing campaigns! Ready? Let’s go:

read more at later.com

Over to You

So what’s your thought about the changing Social Media landscape and how are you changing to adapt to it?

Let us know by commenting below and we would love to start a discussion.

Do share the post with your friends and social media circles by hitting your favorite social media button below.

About the author

My name is Dilip. I am a fan of the internet and love the many opportunities that the world wide web provides. If used constructively , the internet can give you an opportunity to lead a life free of the 9-5 treadmill and will be able to give more time to your family members.
Read about internet entrepreneurship at my blog.

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