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Why should you upgrade to WordPress 2.8?

Published on: July 10, 2009

Last Updated on - July 10, 2009  

minutes read

badass-wp-logoHave you upgraded your blog to WordPress 2.8?

If not, then it is time that you do so. If you are still wondering as to why should you upgrade then read through a few of the features in the latest version of the world’s favorite blogging platform and you will be convinced.

You can find much more information about the Version 2.8 at the official page at WordPress.

A few of the highlights of the latest version is as follows:

  1. WordPress 2.8 sports a new drag-and-drop widgets option in your admin interface. All you now need to do is just drag the widgets that you want to display in your sidebar and drop it. No need to even save it after dropping the widget.
  2. The theme editors and plugin editors have a new feature. It now highlights syntax for editing and also has a built-in function lookup option.
  3. In all the earlier versions, installing the theme meant that you have to have an FTP application installed. In WordPress version 2.8, all you need to do is just browse the theme directory and install themes directly from the admin.
  4. Now the dashboard widgets can be arranged in upto four columns thus making it easy to navigate and use your dashboard.
  5. WordPress 2.8 now supports timezones and even automatic daylight savings time adjustmentdirectly from your admin panel.
  6. You can also configure the number of items to show on the management pages with an option in the Screen Options.
  7. The best part of the latest version is that it supports IIS 7.0 URL Rewrite Module, which has known to create problems in the earlier versions.

There were multiple reasons why I was eagerly awaiting the release of WordPress version 2.8. But the most impressive of these is the fact that

– You can now easily install themes from your admin panel directly. This was always a challenge for me and I has always wanted WordPress to implement this feature in one of their releases.

– Widgets on you sidebars was another aspect that seemed interesting to me. In all the earlier versions, you had to first select a sidebar from the drop-down menu (this is, if you had multiple sidebars in your theme), then click a widget to select it for your sidebar. After all this if you forget to save the changes, all your changes were gone. In the latest version, all this is got rid off. All that you need to do is drag and drop your favorite widgets onto the sidebar of your choice.

Go ahead and upgrade your database, if you haven’t already.

About the author

My name is Dilip. I am a fan of the internet and love the many opportunities that the world wide web provides. If used constructively , the internet can give you an opportunity to lead a life free of the 9-5 treadmill and will be able to give more time to your family members.
Read about internet entrepreneurship at my blog.

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