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Campaigns from Aweber – The Latest Feature and Your Biggest Reason to Switch Autoresponders?

Published on: October 28, 2015

Last Updated on - October 28, 2015  

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campaigns from aweber

Did you read about the latest feature from Aweber?

A few weeks back, I was reading a post at Pat Flynn’s, Smart Passive Income on why he switched from Aweber to Infusionsoft to Convertkit. I was always a fan of Aweber and there were multiple reasons for that. In fact I had used Getreponse, Constant Contact and iContact in addition to a few other cheap options in the past. Nothing came close to what aweber could offer me – Superior support, better deliverability and complete peace of mind. I felt much comfortable using Aweber Vs Getresponse which was the close second preference for me, when it came to autoresponders.

But after I read that article, I was keen on checking out Convertkit. Why?

Because if there was one thing that I always felt, was missing in Aweber, it was automation. And since automation was an essential part of segmentation, I felt crippled at times. There was a 3rd party add-on service that helped you do it, but that was an additional cost and I was not ready for that.

It was then that I came across this nice WordPress Plugin which was not too expensive and was a one-time payment. I bought this plugin and was happy with it except for the fact that it involved creating specific links in my WordPress dashboard and then using that in my emails for the automation to work and so that I could segment my subscribers. While it was a good solution, it was not the solution that delighted me.

There were a few other services that offered these automation, but they were only for big marketers who could afford their services. I couldn’t.. In fact, I didn’t want to spend such a huge amount for a service just because I got one additional feature that I was not getting with Aweber.

So I visited Convertkit to check out their pricing. They were reasonably priced. And then I noticed something on their website.


There was a sending limit that they put on your account. You were allowed to send about 10 times your total subscriber count per month. So assuming, I had about 3000 subscribers in my list, I could only send about 10 times a month to the entire list.

That was no good for me. I had my autoresponders running which pretty much sent an email every day. And when the subscribers had been through the autoresponder, they would fall into my broadcast emails. And I was sending 1 broadcast almost everyday.

So that meant, I would at least send about 30 times to my entire subscribers, every month.

If I was with Convertkit, I would automatically be bumped into the next level which lets me send more emails and that in turn meant, more payments. Which meant that I would be paying much more than whatever I was paying for Aweber. I am not sure why Pat decided to take Convertkit up. Maybe he was sending only that many emails. Or, maybe because his list size was huge, he was getting a different and better deal with Convertkit.

But whatever was the case, I knew that Convertkit was not the best choice for anyone who send an email everyday.

So my quest for automation reached a dead end and I decided to continue with Aweber.

Another Email and Another Autoresponder Option

I continued with Aweber and the segmentation plugin. And then one day I received this email from Shane Melaugh, the creator of Thrive Leads and Thrive Content Builder. I am subscribed to his email because I was super-impressed with both his products and I use them for almost all of my websites.

Shane is an honest marketer and hence I like reading his emails. So when I saw an email from him titled, “Why I ditched Infusionsoft“, I couldn’t resist but click on the link to see what it was regarding. It was a post where Shane spoke about Infusionsoft and he had pretty much the same kind of experience as that of Pat. Which proved one thing – Infusionsoft was a feature rich and powerful solution that was the least preferred by even the ones that needed a lot of power.

Shane had an alternate solution which he switched over to when he left Infusionsoft. It was Active Campaign.

I had checked out Active Campaign a few months back. Their pricing was similar to that of Aweber and they had some nice features. In fact their automation feature was probably the best one amongst all the others. Everything felt good about Active Campaign, but I was really not sure about their deliverability. I had once taken a chance and the result was a banned account, lost email lists and such many other issues. I was not willing to take the chance again. But I kept Active Campaign on my radar so that I can check them out some time later.

So when Shane sent out this email, I felt like it was time to check them out again.

The Email on the Latest Feature – Campaigns from Aweber

That was when I received this email from Aweber telling me that I was being given a beta access to one of their newest features called “Campaigns”. It talked about some automation and simplification etc.

The next moment I was on my dashboard looking for this latest feature in aweber.

latest feature in aweber

And I was pleasantly surprised at what I saw under campaigns. It was the very same automation that I had always wanted inside of Aweber.

While it was just a couple of options that they had in there, it was still a good point to start off. You had 3 options with 2 triggers. The 2 triggers were –

  1. On Subscribe
  2. With tag

And the options were –

  1. Send an email
  2. Wait
  3. Add a tag

This was a good beginning. So basically you could now send multiple campaigns to the same list depending upon your triggers. If for example, a subscriber gets tagged as a “Buyer” you can straight away put him onto a different email autoresponder series using the trigger “With tag”.

“Campaigns” was still in Beta and the Aweber team was still working on a lot of features. They were accepting suggestions from the beta testers and I am sure a lot of these would be available as they roll out the updates in this feature.

So, finally I was about to get what I was always looking for in Aweber. Now I had everything I wanted, in a single service. And that meant, a full stop to my quest to find an autoresponder that gives to the flexibility of automation.

Campaigns from Aweber- this feature should be a good enough reason for you to join Aweber. This completely blows out the competition because with all the other benefits and this latest addition, Aweber is on its way to be the best autoresponder for business owners.

Join Aweber today and get access to the best Autoresponder!

About the author

My name is Dilip. I am a fan of the internet and love the many opportunities that the world wide web provides. If used constructively , the internet can give you an opportunity to lead a life free of the 9-5 treadmill and will be able to give more time to your family members.
Read about internet entrepreneurship at my blog.

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