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DKSP EP:23 – Types of Affiliate Marketing: Making Money With Affiliate Marketing Series – Part 1

October 30, 2015

Last Updated on - August 13, 2021  

minutes read

types of affiliate marketing

What’s the difference between CPA and PPL?

Now that is a question that I get often in the emails that I get. In fact when I started off with affiliate marketing, this was the term that I was confused about the most.

I didn’t too much time into researching it and probably that is why I never really got into the CPA networks. It was only after I had established myself as an affiliate marketer that I tried learning about CPA and even applied to the first CPA network.

There are many more such things that newbie affiliate marketers are confused about. They struggle with things like which products to promote, what channels to choose, how to promote etc.

Affiliate marketing is one of the most preferred and fastest way to start making money online. At the same time, if you do not have a plan in place, you might just end up amongst all the frustrated internet marketers who never make a single penny out of affiliate marketing.

A couple of days back I received this email from one of my listeners.

listeners email

There could be many more like Chang who are still trying to make money with affiliate marketing and are not able to succeed because they are missing on some of the basics.

So starting this episode, I will be producing a series on making money with affiliate marketing. And in each episode we will cover a specific aspect of affiliate marketing. We will also have actionable steps in each episode so that you are able to start off with your affiliate marketing business as you listen to each episode in this series.

Types of Affiliate Marketing

One of the biggest confusions that most newbies have is on the different types of affiliate marketing networks and which one to start off with. And with so many products pitching to teach you affiliate marketing and all of the free information available online with all of those affiliate marketing jargons, it is not surprising that most people starting off with affiliate marketing get lost in their first step itself.

Overwhelmed by all the jargons, they pick the wrong option and very soon get frustrated because they do not know what to do get some sales.

So in this episode we will be discussing about the different types of affiliate marketing networks and which one is the right one, when you are just beginning.

Keep in mind that all affiliate network are not equal. While a network like Commission Junction is quick to deactivate any affiliate who has not made any money for a period of x days, there are other networks like Clickbank with whom you can be for the lifetime, not generate a single penny in commissions and still stay.

Similarly some of the networks can be quite confusing when you first join them, whereas Networks like Peerfly and Clickbank is very easy to learn, navigate around and pick products that you want to promote.

In this episode we will be discussing all of these. We will also be covering:

  • PPC (pay-per-click) and PPS (pay-per-sale) programs
  • CPA (Cost-per-action or, cost-per-acquisition) programs
  • CPS (Cost-per-sale) programs
  • Getting accepted into various networks
  • Which networks to go with when you starting off
  • Things to keep in mind when you are joining affiliate programs

Resources mentioned in this Episode

These are some of the resources that we spoke about in this episode –

Affiliate Networks:

  • Clickbank
  • JVZoo
  • Warrior Plus
  • Clicksure
  • Commission Junction
  • Shareasale
  • MarketHealth
  • MoreNiche
  • Amazon Affiliate Program
  • Peerfly
  • Maxbounty
  • Neverblue
  • Clickbooth

Thank you for Joining

Thank you all for joining me on today’s episode. I hope you liked this episode and the series. If you liked it please do leave a genuine review of the podcast at iTunes, Stitcher or, Soundcloud.

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About the author

My name is Dilip. I am a fan of the internet and love the many opportunities that the world wide web provides. If used constructively , the internet can give you an opportunity to lead a life free of the 9-5 treadmill and will be able to give more time to your family members.
Read about internet entrepreneurship at my blog.

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