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DKSP EP:24 – How to Get Accepted into Affiliate Networks – Affiliate Marketing Tips Part – 2

November 4, 2015

Last Updated on - April 22, 2021  

minutes read

how to get accepted into affiliate networks
Do You Have a Definite Plan for Marketing?

Did you get rejected yet again?

Affiliate Marketing is all about finding the best affiliate networks and picking the best affiliate programs and offers. You might already know that but then all of this depends upon the best affiliate networks and the best affiliate programs approving your application.

Continuing with our discussion on Affiliate marketing tips, in this episode which is part-2 we will primarily be discussing about things you need to keep in mind so that your application is approved and you are accepted into the top affiliate networks.

How to get accepted into affiliate networks?

If you are new to affiliate marketing, this would be your question especially if you have already applied to some of the top affiliate marketing networks. There is a 90% chance that you might have received a rejection from the network. Why?

Affiliate networks have a lot at stake. They thrive on the trust and confidence of their vendors and partners. And vendors like to do business with affiliate networks who can guarantee them that there will be no fraud and that their interests are protected.

In order to do so, affiliate networks have to ensure that they are recruiting and onboarding only the best affiliates. So if you are new, it is natural for networks to reject your application. The reasons are simple –

  1. You don’t have enough sales  to show your credibility
  2. They do not have the confidence that you really know about affiliate marketing and generating traffic.
  3. They don’t even know if you are real person and if you are joining the program to making money

The bottomline is that your applications are usually rejected because you are unable to prove your credibility.

How to Get Accepted into Affiliate Networks?

Now that we have understood the reasons behind an affiliate network rejecting your application, we know what our course of action should be.

So in order to understand how to get accepted into affiliate networks, you need to know how to build credibility in your applications. And that is what we will be discussing in this episode of the DKSpeaks Podcast.

Here are just some of the things that we will be covering in this episode.

  1. What are the 2 reasons why affiliate networks reject your application?
  2. What are the things you need to keep in mind when you apply to an affiliate network?
  3. What are the 3 most important things to do in order to ensure you get accepted into affiliate networks?
  4. The one thing that can be the difference between acceptance and rejection into an affiliate program.

While we will be covering most of the aspects related to getting accepted into affiliate networks in detail in this episode, we might still have missed some of the things that you would have wanted to know. You can write to me using the contact button on this website and I will record an episode to cover those aspects as well.

Resources from this Episode

These are the resources that we discussed about in this episode:

  1. Save My List
  2. iwriter
  3. Constant Content
  4. Textbroker
  5. Upwork
  6. Elance

I recommend iWriter for your article writing needs because they are an amazing service so far as quality of article, options and customer service is concerned.

Thanks for Joining

I sincerely would like to thank you all for joining me on today’s episode. I hope your liked it and if you did, please do take some time out to write a genuine review about the show on iTunes. Your ratings will help in the rankings of the show and people who are looking for similar information will be able to find it.

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About the author

My name is Dilip. I am a fan of the internet and love the many opportunities that the world wide web provides. If used constructively , the internet can give you an opportunity to lead a life free of the 9-5 treadmill and will be able to give more time to your family members.
Read about internet entrepreneurship at my blog.

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