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Email Marketing Subject Lines that work

Published on: April 25, 2010

Last Updated on - April 20, 2014  

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Email Marketing Subject Lines

This is the 3rd post in the series on List Building and Email Marketing. You can read the rest two posts here –

  1. Post – 1 : Picking your Email Marketing Vendor.
  2. Post – 2 : Email Broadcasting.

The success of your Email Marketing campaigns depend largely on whether you emails are being opened or, not. What good is an email if the intended readers don’t open it?

But what is it that makes somebody click on your emails to open it?

The answer has to be obvious – a catchy subject line!! Right?

Will you click to open and email that has a subject line, “You have won $1,00,000”. Of course, not. That email subject line itself shows that it is a spam and has nothing worthy inside it. So what goes into a catchy subject line?

Email Marketing is all about building relationships. Hence it is also important that your subject line reflect this intent and does not look like an attempt to draw your prospects hard-earned money for nothing. Writing catchy and good email subject lines is not a rocket science. All that it requires is a bit of patience and willingness to understand the psyche of your email readers.

Writing Effective Subject Lines :

A few important things that you need to bear in mind when writing email subject line are –

1). The choice of including the “Firstname” – Including the name of the prospect in the subject line catches the attention of the prospect. This is not something new. Even Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People” talks about using names to address people to build relationships.

2). Using keywords in your subject line – Why would you want to use a keyword in your subject line? It is a normal practice to include long tail keyword in subject lines. But it is not an advisable practice if you want a better open rate.

3). The KISS formula – Always Keep it Simple and Short. So is the case with email subject lines as well. Why would you want to write long subject lines when a short subject line can do the job for you.

Email Subject LinesThere are many more such useful and handy tips to get a better open rate for your emails. Codrut Turcanu is an email follow-up specialist and has released a handy report called “99 Good Email subject Lines”. You will find many more such useful tips in this report.

You can download your copy of the report here.

It is meant only for e-mail marketers who are almost (but not quite) satisfied with their open rates
– and can’t figure out what they’re doing wrong!

So if you are one who is extremely focused on building a huge list but are not quite satisfied with the open rates you see for your emails, then this report can turn things around for you.

Download your copy of the report today itself.

It is meant only for e-mail marketers who are almost
(but not quite) satisfied with their open rates
- and can't figure out what they're doing wrong!

About the author

My name is Dilip. I am a fan of the internet and love the many opportunities that the world wide web provides. If used constructively , the internet can give you an opportunity to lead a life free of the 9-5 treadmill and will be able to give more time to your family members.
Read about internet entrepreneurship at my blog.

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