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Video – How to Setup Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin and Configure it Correctly?

Published on: January 23, 2016

Last Updated on - January 23, 2016  

minutes read

how to setup yoast wordpress seo plugin

What SEO plugin do you use for your WordPress Blog?

If you are running a WordPress blog, then it is unlikely that you are not using one. And, if you aren’t using one, then you need to start right away.

SEO plugins top the list of essential plugins for a WordPress blog. These plugins add all the essential tags that are required from an SEO standpoint so that you blogs rank on the first page of Google. Some of the latest plugins even add all the required Open graph meta data from a Social Media standpoint. And the importance of Social Media is not an unknown fact.

If you already have an SEO plugin installed, I am sure your answer to the question above could be one of the below:

  1. Yoast SEO
  2. SEO Pressor
  3. All in One SEO
  4. Platinum SEO

If you are using any other plugin, then it will be a good thing for all of us to know about it. You can comment below and let us know about it.

Of the above plugins, Yoast SEO is one of the most widely used ones. This plugin is in fact one of the most advanced SEO plugins and best of all it is free. But a lot of WordPress owners struggle with setting it up and configuring it.

While the last 2, All in One SEO and Platinum SEO plugins are pretty much outdated now, they can still be helpful from an SEO standpoint. If you are running any of these 2 plugins and want to switch to Yoast SEO, you can do that pretty easily using the import option in Yoast SEO.

SEOPressor is a premium plugin and is advised if you want some advanced SEO features.

How to Setup Yoast WordPress SEO plugin?

Yoast WordPress SEO plugin is a feature rich plugin that does quite a lot of things. On one hand it sets up everything that is required from an SEO perspective for your blog and on the other hand it also had some handy features that help you setting up SEO right, for each of your individual posts.

But this requires setting up and configuring it the right way. While the plugin has most of the things setup as a default, out-of-box, there are still some tweaking that you will have to do.

So if you have been struggling with how to setup Yoast WordPress SEO plugin, then video should help you.

I had created this step-by-step video guide at the request of some of the readers at my wife’s blog at http://thetastesofindia.com. But since this is a generic guide, it should help anyone who is struggling with setting up Yoast SEO on their WordPress blog.

I hope you liked the video. If you liked it, do share it with your social media circles using the share buttons below. If you have any questions or, comments, you can post them in the comment section below or, you can also write to me using the contact us button here.

About the author

My name is Dilip. I am a fan of the internet and love the many opportunities that the world wide web provides. If used constructively , the internet can give you an opportunity to lead a life free of the 9-5 treadmill and will be able to give more time to your family members.
Read about internet entrepreneurship at my blog.

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