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  • Thrive Suite Review – The Best All Round Theme Builder and Plugin Suite

Thrive Suite Review – The Best All Round Theme Builder and Plugin Suite

Published on: May 17, 2021

Last Updated on - July 10, 2021  

minutes read

thrive suite review

This Thrive Suite review is an extension of a detailed review I had written about Thrive themes some time back.

Thrive Membership has now been rechristened as Thrive Suite. And rightly so. If you read that earlier post of mine, you will realize that I was already referring to Thrive themes as a “Suite”.

It has been some time that I have been using Thrive themes.

But my requirement was that of a landing page builder and an optin form builder. Hence I was using only Thrive Architect and Thrive Leads out of all the plugins that were available in Thrive themes.

As my business progressed, I switched on more of the plugins like Thrive Comments, Thrive Optimize, Thrive Quiz builder, and very recently I switched over to Thrive theme builder.

I was super happy with my earlier theme GeneratePress. It was a low-cost option and with its quick customization options, it was easy to use.

But I wanted more customization options and more control over how my blog looked. I didn’t want to hire a designer because there was more than one blog that I was managing. It would have cost me a bomb.

Moreover, I have always felt that theme designs built by designers somehow reflected their personality instead of mine.

With all of that in mind, Thrive theme builder looked the perfect option and hence I made the switch. I will write a detailed post about how this switch worked and if Thrive theme builder was able to fulfill all my requirements.

But for this post, I wanted to do a quick Thrive Suite review.

Thrive Suite review – What will we cover?

Two of the biggest and best landing page builder softwares are Thrive themes and Optimizepress. I have already written a detailed comparative study of Optimizepress vs Thrive themes in one of my earlier post.

This post is purely about my experience with Thrive Suite, the pros and cons and if this is a right purchase for you. But will this purchase be a right fit for you, will entirely depend upon your business plans and goals.

Disclaimer: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you choose to make a purchase, I will earn a small commission from your purchase, without any additional cost to you.

So here is what we will cover in this review –

  • Who are Thrive Themes and What is Thrive Suite
  • What’s included in Thrive Suite
  • Thrive Suite Pricing
  • Do you really need Thrive Suite
  • What I liked about Thrive Suite – Its Advantages
  • Cons of Thrive Suite

Let’s now deep dive and take a look at each of these –

Who are Thrive Themes and What is Thrive Suite?

Thrive Suite, earlier called as Thrive membership is a collection of themes and plugins that are conversion focused. We will come to that a little while later.

But first let us look at the credibility of the product and its creators.

It was long back when popup builders were a difficult thing to do. Email marketing was big and everybody out there was talking about building an email list.

But there was a huge problem. To put an optin form that can capture email addresses, in place was a humongous task unless you knew coding.

That was when developers started working on plugins that could simplify the job of building an optin form. 3 products that soon gained prominence were Popup Domination, Hybrid Connect and Optin Monster.

I used to follow the folks at incomediary.com, who incidentally were the ones who created Popup Domination. So I started using the plugin on my websites.

Though the plugin was cool, I wasn’t really happy with the options it gave me. And that was when I stumbled upon Hybrid Connect, which was an immediate hit for me.

It worked well and gave me everything I needed. Most of all I was super impressed with the support they gave me. And that made me a customer of theirs for the lifetime.

Marketing gets you a new customer. Support gets you a repeat customer. And exceptional support gets you a lifetime customer


Shane Melaugh, the creator of Hybrid Connect is the same person who founded Thrive Themes.

When they created Thrive Leads, an optin form builder plugin they switched me over to Thrive Leads from Hybrid Connect for FREE.

What more can a customer ask for. Isn’t it?

Since then, I have been using some of the other products from Thrive themes.

There is one thing that background story would have told you about the company behind the product – Not only do they have amazing products, they also have an exceptional support team.

So what is Thrive Suite?

Thrive suite is a collection of 10 plugins and a WordPress theme builder (as of the time I am writing this post). Here are the plugins –

  • Thrive Product Manager
  • Thrive Architect
  • Thrive Optimize
  • Thrive Leads
  • Thrive Quiz Builder
  • Thrive Ultimatum 
  • Thrive Apprentice
  • Thrive Comments
  • Thrive Ovation
  • Thrive Clever Widgets
  • Thrive Headline Optimizer

The WordPress theme builder comes with 2 ready made themes and includes the following –

  • Thrive Theme Builder
  • Shapeshift Theme
  • Ommi Theme

Thrive Product Manager

Let me start with this thing first because this is what I like the most about Thrive Suite.

The first thing that would come to your mind when you see so many different plugins and themes are – What the heck! Do I have to install all of that one-by-one, activate them, enter the license and so on to use them?

But then Thrive Product Manager takes care of all of these.

All you need to do is install Thrive Product manager

thrive product manager

All that you need to do is select the plugins you want to install and click on “install selected products”. Once the plugins are installed, it will take you to the activation screen which again is a matter of a click.

I was super impressed with this way of managing the plugins. This takes care of the problem of installing and downloading multiple plugins and licensing each of them.

Thrive Architect and Thrive Optimize

Thrive Architect is a landing page builder which is far ahead of its competition. This was the 2nd product from Thrive themes that I used for my websites.

In fact, I was using Optimizepress for building my landing pages because at a time when there weren’t any solutions to building landing pages, Optimizepress came out with a landing page builder and it was a boon for us marketers.

But then with time, requirements too changed and Optimizepress fell off in the competition. That was when Thrive themes came out with Thrive Content Builder, which was later renamed as Thrive Architect. You can read about the story of my switch to Thrive Architect and a comparison between Optimizepress 3.0 and Thrive Architect here.

Thrive Architect is a powerful plugin and can be used to design all types of landing pages. In fact the homepage of this blog of mine and almost all the other blogs that I run are designed using Thrive Architect.


You can see there are a quite a few elements in that design, all of which were designed using Thrive Architect. Here are the primary elements in that screenshot –

  • Menu bar with a highlighted menu item
  • Background image with a faded overlay
  • Call to action button with a 2-step optin form

If you scroll the page you will find a lot many other elements on the page, all of which were again designed using Thrive Architect.

Now if you thought, designing all of that would have taken hours, then you are mistaken. The entire page took less than 30 minutes to design.


By using something called as “BLOCKS” which is one of the core elements in Thrive Architect.

You can start by using one of the many templates (about 300+ templates as of writing this) that are available and customize it according to your needs.

thrive architect page templates

Or, you can start from a blank template and build your own page using blocks. This gives you a lot more flexibility and options to build a page of your liking.

thrive architect blocks

There are more than 120 different blocks available for pretty much everything from blog post articles, pricing tables, testimonials, about sections, etc. that you can use and easily build your landing pages.

One of the biggest problems in creating landing pages is ensuring that there is uniformity in all of your pages. You don’t want a subscriber to see different designs on your landing page, opt-in page, thank you page, and download page.

Thrive Architect makes is easy for you to maintain uniformity with their “smart landing pages“.

What are Smart Landing Pages in Thrive Architect?

Thrive team calls a smart landing page as “a Revolutionary New Way of Creating Landing Pages on Your WordPress Site”.

To put in simpler terms, smart landing pages are collection of landing pages and associated pages that have a similar styling and aesthetics and can be controlled using centrally managed options.

The difference between a smart landing page and a normal landing page is that the smart landing pages have a lot of smart features like Smart Color Management, Global Styling and Global Fields, all of which helps in faster and easier landing page creation with uniform styling and branding.

Thrive Optimize

Thrive Optimize is an add-on for Thrive Architect that can help run A/B tests on your landing pages.

thrive optimize a/b testing

Once the add-on is installed, you will see an option “A/B” on the Thrive Architect editor. All you need to do is click that and you will be taken to a page where you can add a variation of the page.

It is important to A/B test landing pages to see what version works well and converts better. And Thrive Optimize makes this easy for us.

Thrive Leads

Thrive leads was the first Thrive plugin that I used. It was the experience of using Thrive leads that led me into using all of the other Thrive themes plugins.

Thrive leads is an optin form builder plugin. The best part is that it helps you build optin forms that are conversion focused.

thrive leads

Thrive Leads has a nice dashboard with everything that you need on a single window – your lead pages, important statistics and optin form creation tools.

Lead generation forms are organized into lead groups, so you have easier access and control over similar lead magnets.

Thrive leads can help you create a variety of lead generation forms like Scroll Mat, Lightbox, Slide in forms, Widgets, Ribbons, Post footers etc.

thrive leads options

You also have complete control over when and where to display your optin forms. You can display the forms based on tags, categories or, even specific pages or, posts.

You can also control when the form shows up on the screen. The best part is that you can even make some of these forms as an exit form or, a smart exit form (a form that shows up after a set timeframe or, before the visitor exits the page, whichever comes first).

Thrive leads uses a similar drag and drop builder like Thrive Architect and is hence extremely easy to design. There are plenty of ready made templates that you can use as is or, customize it depending upon your requirements. You can design a variety of optin forms from a very simple one to complex 2-step and multi-step optin forms.

Integrating Thrive leads with your auto-responder is also pretty easy. There are API integrations available with pretty much every other autoresponder. In addition to the most common ones like ConvertKit, Aweber, Getresponse, Mailchimp etc. there are some of the lesser known autoresponders too, available for integration via the API.

And in the rare case that your autoresponder is not available, you can always use the HTML forms to build your optin forms.

Thrive Quiz Builder

One of my favorites in Thrive Suite is the Thrive Quiz Builder plugin because it helps me build my list easily.


Let me explain.

The possibility of an engaged visitor signing up to your email list is much more than a cold visitor who is presented with an optin form.

But how would you build that kind of an engagement with a brand new visitor coming over to you website?

By using quizzes!

A quiz is an interesting way to make somebody take action on your website/blog. People are usually excited to learn something interesting about themselves or, even self-assess. And a Quiz can do that pretty easily.

But building Quizzes can be extremely difficult unless you use a SaaS platform or, have in depth knowledge of coding that into your website.

Thrive Quiz Builder takes away that pain.

Thrive Quiz Builder

You can build beautiful interactive quizzes by simple clicking and selecting.

Select from multiple quiz types depending upon how you want the results to show up. This would essentially depend upon what your goal with the Quiz is.

You have options to select a Numeric evaluation, % result, right/wrong evaluation or, even create a simple survey.

Once done, you can select from a variety of template styles and complete your designing process. Again the entire designing is similar to that of all Thrive products, so you wouldn’t find it too overwhelming.

And finally, it is time to frame you questions. I can tell you that you are going to love this part as much as I do.

The dashboard is a nice workspace where you can frame your questions and use multiple logics to connect responses and questions by simple dragging and dropping connectors.

thrive quiz builder dashboard

What I usually do is that I create all the questions and their answers in a notepad. Once I have all of that ready, it is just a matter of copying and pasting it into the quiz builder workspace and connecting the responses.

Thrive quiz builder like most other Thrive plugins gives you a lot of insights with their handy analytics.

Thrive Ultimatum

Do you know what’s the one thing that helps sell?

It is the fear of missing out (FOMO). And that is one of the reason you see most marketers using those timers on their salespages.

But the problem with these timers that leverage FOMO and scarcity, is that you would either need to know how to code or, you will have to use a SaaS platform which could turn out to be very expensive.

Thrive Ultimatum is a plugin that helps you do it without all that hassles.

You can create a variety of timed marketing campaigns thereby leverage the power of scarcity and improving conversions.

All you need to do is pick a template and customize it just like you would do with all other Thrive products and your campaign is ready. There are numerous templates that are available for multiple scarcity types like 7-day specials, festive specials, end of month specials etc.

Once you have completed designing, just add a call to action with a countdown timer and you are done. The timer runs automatically and will help you decide what you want your visitors to see once the timer expires.

The reports are also user-friendly and can provide you with a lot of insights.

Thrive Apprentice

Thrive Apprentice is a course management plugin.

While I haven’t yet used it full-fledgedly, it is a very powerful plugin for people who want to have more control over how they deliver their courses.

You can adjust the way your course dashboard looks and even tweak most of the course settings to suit your brand aesthetics. Uploading the course content is also pretty easy and you have complete control like drip feeding course lessons, attaching multiple course formats like PDF, survey forms, documents etc.

Thrive Apprentice also gives you the option of integrating it with various checkout softwares, so you need not worry about accepting payments.

You might find the plugin a little difficult to use, in the beginning. But once you get used to it, it should be pretty easy to manage the entire course platform.

I liked the plugin and am currently in the process of using it to put together the course for my website at The Blogging University.

Thrive Comments

The very essence of blogging is engagement. And one of the primary ways of engagement between the audience and the blogger is “commenting”.

But commenting has lost its charm over the last few years, primarily because of the way it was being used by people to get backlinks. People would spam blogs with worthless comments usually submitted by BOTS just because they have an option of adding a link to their website.

Another reason for the failure of the commenting system was the lame commenting system. The “commenting” feature in any blogging platform is just lame and doesn’t really give anything for the commenters or, the blogger other than a mere interaction.

Why should one comment on a blog? How can a blogger get more out of the commenters efforts?

Thrive comments addresses all of these and make “commenting” and enjoyable experience.


By giving you complete control of how you want to manage your commenting system.

Thrive comments gives you the option to decide “what happens” after a reader has posted a comment. You have the option of encouraging them to share your post, see related posts or, even redirect them to a post or, page of your choice.

You could even redirect them to view an optin form thereby building your email list. This is something that I love the most because who is a better prospect for your email list than somebody who has already engaged with your post?

Another interesting option is to incentivize the commenters by voting on comments and also giving badges to them based on their comment quality. This helps in boosting engagement. And the best part is that you can decide on different actions depending upon somebody being a first time commenter or, a returning commenter.

Thrive Ovation

Testimonials help demonstrate your authority and trustworthiness to your visitors. Most business owners use testimonials to emphasize their and their brands credibility to their prospects.

But often, collecting these testimonials and displaying it on your website can be a herculean task. Collating the testimonials from different channels, designing and displaying it etc. can take a lot of time and effort, leave alone the efforts involved in tracking them.

Thrive Ovation simplifies this entire process.

You can capture testimonials by integrating it with Thrive Architect or, Thrive leads in addition to importing testimonials from social media channels.

Displaying the testimonials is also easy and can be done either by using WordPress shortcodes or, by creating testimonial pages using Thrive Architect.

Thrive Ovation is a huge time saver if you are somebody who uses social proof a lot.

Thrive Clever Widgets

Thrive Clever widgets is a simple little plugin but is very powerful if you use it the right way.

It basically adds a display login to your widgets thereby helping you to decide where and when you want to display a certain widget.

WordPress widgets are very powerful but gives you very little control over their display. Imagine if you had control to show your Instagram widget with a follow button on a post about optimizing Instagram profiles. Wouldn’t that result in better conversions that showing a generic social media widget?

Thrive Clever widgets gives you this control so that you can create a more targeted offer/content for your visitors. This leads to better conversions and more engagement.

You can use Thrive Clever widgets to display your widgets based on categories, specific posts or, specific pages.

Thrive Headline Optimizer

Thrive headline Optimizer is a A/B testing solution for your WordPress post headlines and probably the only good solution available out there.

You can use the headline optimizer to test out multiple headlines for your blog posts and see which one performs better.

All you need to do is select the headlines that you want to test, enter your alternate headlines and run the test.

thrive headline optimizer

Once your test is complete you can decide if you want to choose the winner or, you want it to happen automatically. You can also choose the test criteria which means, you have complete control over how the A/B test runs.

That brings us to one of the most important component of Thrive Suite – The Thrive Theme Builder.

Thrive Theme Builder – The Easiest Customizable Theme

I switched over to Thrive theme builder about 2 months back. Until then, I have been running my blog (say, blogs) on Generatepress.

In fact, Generatepress is still one of my favorite themes. It is one of the low cost, multi-functional themes around and gives you a lot of option to play around with.

But then custom designing with Generatepress is limited and could be a problem for a lot of people who aren’t well versed with CSS and styling.

It is here that Thrive theme builder scores.

Using Thrive theme builder you could build a completely custom theme with everything to your liking without really doing anything to the codes.

Designing is similar to that of Thrive Architect and you could just click, edit and style everything to make your blog look unique to yourself.

To be frank, I didn’t want to pay a few thousand dollars to a designer to custom design my blog and then realize that the blog reflects more of his personality than mine.

And Thrive Theme Builder solved this problem for me.

There are numerous page builders and theme designers out there. I have used everything from Thesis to Genesis and Studiopress. But none of them come even close to what Thrive Theme Builder can do for you.

And the best part – You don’t need to know anything about coding, to design a blog of your liking and choice.

Thrive Theme Builder has a simple site setup wizard that can walk you through the initial setup pretty fast.

You can start by picking up one of the 2 theme templates that are available as of now – Shapeshift and Ommi.

thrive theme builder

Once you have completed the initial setup, just go ahead and customize the design of your pages and posts. You can even choose a different design for different pages.

thrive theme builder templates

Customization is easy just like in Thrive Architect. You can use pre-made templates and edit the design or, build something from scratch by using the Thrive elements or, pre-designed blocks. There are more than 140 pre-made content blocks that you can use.

Now here is what I like most about Thrive Theme Builder.

Ensuring that there is uniformity in branding across your site is pretty simple and requires just a few clicks.

  • Pick fonts for each different elements – headlines, paragraphs, quotes, bullets etc. Once done, this will show across your entire site and will be uniform
  • You can pick your primary brand color and your entire site will be customized with a palette based on the color you have chosen. You also have an option of customizing it to your liking.
  • Create and design a header and a footer and it will show up all throughout your site. If you want to make changes to any of these, all you have to do is edit it at the central panel and it is updates across the entire site.

Now that’s what I would call “EASY”.

Thrive Theme Builder is true to its promise about being conversion-focused. One of the key ingredients of better conversion is site speed and performance.

Thrive Theme Builder, and all of the other plugins in Thrive Suite are coded optimally to ensure that your website loads fast.

In addition Thrive Theme Builder also gives you the option of optimizing your blog for performance, in just a few clicks.

  • You get built in support for caching and optimization plugins like WP-Rocket, WP Fastest Cache and W3 Total Cache. Optimization is just about clicking to install the plugin, then clicking to activate the optimal options for the plugin that you choose.
  • If your blog is an image heavy one, then there is support for image optimization platforms like Optimole and Smush. Again, activating these is a matter of a few clicks.
  • If your blog uses AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages), then Thrive Theme Builder has support for AMP as well.

Now that we took a look at all of what is included in Thrive Suite, let us look at some of the other important aspects like pricing and support.

How much does Thrive Suite Cost?

One of the primary consideration when buying a WordPress theme is the cost. And that is one of the reasons why I recommend Generatepress for anybody looking for a sleek, simple and functional wordpress theme.

But what if you need multiple tools for running your business?

You do not have an option but to buy each of these individual tools/plugins and that can add up to a lot of money.

It is this problem that Thrive Suite solves.

Thrive Suite is more than just a WordPress theme. It bundles together a lot of critical and important tools into one suite.

So, how much does Thrive Suite cost?

Thrive Suite is a subscription-based product. There are multiple plans that are available based on your choice of payment and the number of sites that you are planning to use the suite on.

The basic plan gives you access to install Thrive Suite products on 25 websites and also gives you unlimited support and updates. It also comes with a 30-day money back guarantee.

  • Thrive Suite Quarterly plan – $30/month
  • Thrive Suite Yearly Plan – $19/month

If you are really looking to buy Thrive Suite, then the yearly plan makes sense because you save almost 40% in the yearly plan.

For people who need to use these themes for their clients or, on more than 25 websites, there is the agency plan which is available at $49/month billed annually.

Now, when you look at the annual payment, $228 might look a lot. But if you at it from a business sense that is an investment rather than an expenditure. That is a very low cost if you look at the value you are getting.

The suite gives you access to a range of tools, which if you were to buy as standalone products would cost you multiple times of what you are paying for Thrive Suite.

In addition to that, you can get rid of a few other plugins like your social media plugin, script installer plugins like “header and footer plugins” etc. because these are all inbuilt in Thrive Suite.

Moreover, if you compare the pricing with some of the other similar products available out there, you will find that Thrive Suite is priced much economically.

So, overall if you look at it from a pricing point, it is an economical buy.

Do You really need Thrive Suite?

Thrive suite is a recommended product for Bloggers, Solopreneurs, Web designers and developers.

But if you really need Thrive Suite, will depend entirely upon your needs and business goals.

Having said that, it is important to mention that a lot of the tools that are included in Thrive Suite are important tools for running an internet marketing business.

Take for example, Thrive Leads. If you are not building your email list, then you are leaving a lot of money on the table. Thrive Leads can help you get started with your email list building and also get better conversions from the same optin forms.

So, if you are serious about building your business, then you should consider investing in Thrive Suite.

What I like about Thrive Suite – Pros!

If you have read this Thrive Suite review up until here, then you would have realized that there is a lot that I like about Thrive Suite. In fact, I am a fan of Thrive Suite and its products.

Let me summarize some of the primary reasons why I love Thrive Suite –

Complete control over my Blog – Products like Thrive Theme Builder, Thrive Architect and Thrive leads give me complete control over how I design, manage and run my blog. The level of customization options and the features that are available, makes it easier for me to run my business and at the same time know what exactly is it that is happening with my visitors.

All of the tools and plugins integrate with each other nicely and seamlessly. They are connected with each other very well and hence using them as a complete business suite is easy.

Regular updates – The folks at Thrive theme are serious about their business and not only values their customers but also takes pride in their products. They continuously work on updating their plugins and ensuring that it is up-to-date both from a features perspective and also from a security point of view.

In addition to keeping their product up to date, they are also constantly working to build newer products to help businesses. And the best part is that all of the new plugins and themes that they build are available to their existing customers in the same subscription. So no additional costs.

Integrations and Simplicity of Use – Thrive products come with a range of API integrations be it autoresponders, webinar softwares, mail delivery services, recaptcha services or, even social media services and automation services like Zapier.

This makes it pretty easy to use these services from your website. You will be surprised at the number of autoresponders that Thrive products integrate with. So integrating your choice of autoresponder (aweber is what I use and recommend) with your list building efforts is a matter of a few clicks.

Thrive products are also simple to use, if you put in some time to learn the basics of using them. There are a lot of video tutorials as well which can help guide you with using them.

Another feature that I like the most is the availability of a simple central panel where you can add whatever scripts and codes you want. So, if it is your Google analytics code, Facebook pixels or, retargeting pixels, you can add all that very easily in a single place.

Excellent Support – I am a fan of excellent customer support. So, even if the product isn’t top notch, but if they have a customer support team that is out of the world, then I would prefer going with the product.

The folks at Thrive theme truly stand by their product and this is evident in the amazing customer support they offer. I have reached out to them multiple times with multiple aspects that I wanted help on. Some of them weren’t even related to Thrive Suite, yet the kind of support and response that I got from their support team was superb.

They patiently listen to you and help you with every one of your queries.

Another thing that I liked, though it isn’t a big thing is the troubleshooting option. Unlike most other support teams, you do not have to create a login for their support team to access your website. You just need to go to the Thrive dashboard and create a simple access code and submit that in your support ticket. It is that simple.

Overall, there’s quite a few things that I like about Thrive Suite.

What I dislike about Thrive Suite – Cons!

Anything that I put in here would be more of knit-picking rather than a genuine dislike for the product.

Yet, I think I should mention some of the things that Thrive Suite could improve on.

Optimization Integrations – I use Shortpixel as my image optimization solution and I absolutely love them. In fact, I have a lifetime account with them. But unfortunately, Thrive suite doesn’t have a direct integration with them. Hence I had to manually enable and disable a few options which were actually conflicting with each other. This was a pain, because of the amount of testing involved in identifying where the problem was.

Similarly, another such integration was Litespeed Cache. I run my blog on a server that runs Litespeed and hence it made sense for me to use Litespeed Cache. It is an excellent plugin that has a lot of optimization options and you can expect to see a tremendous improvement in your pagespeed scores on GTMetrix and Google Page insights. Also it is a FREE plugin as compared to WP Rocket which is a premium plugin but with much lesser features than Litespeed Cache.

Unfortunately, Thrive Suite doesn’t have an integration with Litespeed Cache. I faced a few issues with the CSS and JS minify options in Litespeed Cache as it conflicted with some of Thrive Suite’s codes and had to spend some time trying to fix it. Though eventually I decided to uninstall Litespeed Cache and went with WP Fastest Cache (which has a direct integration with Thrive) because there was no support available from them.

I would have loved to see integration with these tools. Having said that, the Thrive themes team has taken these suggestions for their future updates though.

Closing Thoughts – What’s the final Verdict?

Thrive Suite is an excellent suite of products that can help with growing your business.

But would you need Thrive Suite?

That will entirely depend upon what your business goals are.

Thrive Suite is a product that is targeted for Solopreneurs, Bloggers and Content creators. But if you are small time blogger running a single blog and aren’t really planning to use at least 3-4 of the tools in this Suite, then the purchase isn’t worth for you.

At this point it is also important to mention that it is highly unlikely that you will not use the majority of the tools in this suite even if you are single blog owner. For eg: Thrive Theme builder, Thrive Architect, Thrive Leads, Thrive Headline optimizer, Thrive quiz builder and Thrive Optimize are something that you will invariably use.

That should make the purchase worthwhile irrespective of the fact that you might be using it only on one of your website.

This coupled with the fact that there is no other similar product suite available in the market today and anything that is comparable is priced much higher, makes Thrive Suite a must-have and a recommended purchase.

Disclaimer: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links. If you choose to click on those and make a purchase, then I would earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Please do note that being an affiliate has in no way influenced any of the things that I have mentioned here about the product. I only recommend products and services that I have used and am satisfied with.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is Thrive Suite?

Thrive Suite is a collection of tools, plugins and WordPress themes that helps build, design and run a WordPress blog without the hassles of installing and using multiple different plugins and services.

Is Thrive Themes (Thrive Suite) Good?

Thrive themes (Thrive Suite) is an excellent choice for building and running an internet marketing business. In fact it is a must have if you are a blogger or, a solopreneur. It offers a wide range of tools and plugins that can help you get better conversions from your website.
In comparison the some of the other SaaS tools like Clickfunnels, Thrive Suite is priced much lower and gives you better control over your marketing efforts.
And since, it is a product for WordPress, the integration is seamless.

Does Thrive Architect work with any Theme?

Thrive Architect perfectly integrates with any theme. I have used it with multiple different themes like Genesis Pro, Generatepress and Thesis and it worked with all of these themes without any problem.
Since Thrive Architect is a plugin, it behaves just like any other plugin and doesn’t create any issues with other themes.

How much is Thrive Themes (Thrive Suite)?

Thrive themes offers 2 different kind of memberships – Regular and Agency. The Regular membership is priced at $19/month paid yearly and gives you access to install the suite on 25 of your websites. It also comes with unlimited updates and unlimited support.
The agency license is for Web developers who want to use the product on their client’s websites or, for people who have more than 25 websites that they are planning to install the suite on. The agency license is priced at $45/month paid yearly.

If you liked this review, then do share it with your social media circles by clicking on your favorite social media icon below.

Do let me know your thoughts about this review and about Thrive Suite by commenting below.

Thrive Suite


Utility of the Plugins




Updates and Development


Simplicity of Use





  • Excellent and Useful Collection of Tools
  • Complete Control over you Blog Design
  • A Complete Marketing Suite
  • Wide Integrations give multiple Options
  • Professional and Passionate Product Team


  • Slight Learning Curve to use Features
  • Some Plugins are Code Heavy
  • Have Conflicts with Some Plugins

About the author

My name is Dilip. I am a fan of the internet and love the many opportunities that the world wide web provides. If used constructively , the internet can give you an opportunity to lead a life free of the 9-5 treadmill and will be able to give more time to your family members.
Read about internet entrepreneurship at my blog.

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