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Link Whisper Review – Building Internal Links for SEO

Published on: September 24, 2021

Last Updated on - September 25, 2021  

minutes read

Link whisper review

If you have been struggling with internal link building, then this Link Whisper Review is going to give you a different perspective on the entire process and also learn the effectiveness of Link Whisper in helping with internal link building.

So what exactly is Link Whisper and how does it help in internal link building?

Before we look at it, it is important to talk about internal link building and where this fits in the entire SEO worldview.

To confess, I am not an expert in SEO, and just like you and most other marketers out there limit my knowledge of SEO on the information that is available online.

And that limits it to writing shareworthy and valuable content, keyword optimizing it using the basic SEO structure that Rank Math guides me on, and then focusing on building backlinks.

While that first part isn’t difficult because I control all of it, the second part which involves building backlinks isn’t something that I really control.

In fact, I am at the mercy of the people that I reach out to and the ones who find my content valuable enough to link it to.

And, in all truthfulness that is something that I too struggle with, just like every one of you out there.

I have spent a lot of money on people who claimed they could help me with SEO and backlink building, but most of them turned out to be a farce and were a waste of money.

It is hence that I regularly keep reading articles and blogs that can help me with SEO, especially Brian Dean’s backlinko and Matthew Woodward’s blog.

Anyways, back to our discussion.

While I was experimenting on all of these, I came across this article on internal link building and the impact that it can have on your search engine rankings.

At first, I dismissed it as yet another gimmick.

But then I happened to see some proof of how the rankings were impacted and that kind of convinced me that there is some truth to it.

There started my attempt at internal link building.

But then, a month into it and I was ready to give up.

The entire process of linking to your old articles and ensuring that your latest ones are also linked to some of the older articles was a painful one.

I was spending hours together to do and yet I wasn’t able to get the kind of results I was looking for.

There were no ways I could have continued that way.

I had to find a way to simplify this.

There started my search to find software that could automate this or, at least simplify the entire process.

And that finally landed me on this WordPress plugin called Link Whisper.

So what does this plugin does is something we will talk about in this Link Whisper review. We will also look at the functionalities of the plugin, its interface, how good it is, and a lot many other things.

Let’s get straight into the review.

Link Whisper Review – What does this plugin do?

Link Whisper is a plugin that was created by Spencer Haws, who himself is a niche affiliate marketer.

I particularly like products created by fellow marketers, primarily because of the fact that their products are well researched, considers practical applications, and are kept updated always.

Link Whisper is one such product that solves a big pain for marketers like me who do not have hours every day to spend on activities like internal link building.

It simplifies the entire process of building internal links by nicely integrating them into your regular article writing process. So before I get into a review of link whisper, let me show you some features of the product and how it works.

Installing the plugin is simple, just like any other plugin.

After installing the plugin, you will have to activate it by entering your license. You are now ready to use the plugin.

Once you have installed the plugin, you will find an option to start with setting the plugin up.

link whisper settings

That might be looking a little overwhelming, but it is extremely simple. You can set it up by simply following some of the videos that they have in their knowledge base or, even pick the basic options and get started with.

These settings give you a lot of flexibility in choosing what piece of content to link to and how. So, what you choose will entirely depend upon what your requirements are.

I have kept it simple as you see in the above screenshot.

In addition to the “Settings”, the “Link Whisper” option on your sidebar will have a few other items –

  • Reports
  • Add inbound internal links
  • Auto-linking
  • Target Keywords
  • URL changer

The report is where you get to see everything about the links in your posts.

Link Whisper dashboard

You can see that the reports tab has multiple sub-tabs that include a dashboard, a links report, a domains report, clicks report and an error report.

Of all of these reports, to be very frank the only 2 reports that I usually look into are the links report and the clicks report. My usual reference is this dashboard which gives me a fair idea of what is happening with my blog.

I can click on each of those options to find more details, like click on “orphaned posts” and you will be able to see all the details about the posts where there are no internal links.

The second option “Add inbound internal links”, takes you to the same links report tab that you see in the reports option. It basically gives you a glance of the links status on your posts and also gives you the option of creating inbound internal links.

link whisper report

Something to note here is that you will not be able to add “outbound internal links” and “outbound external links” from this screen.

The “Auto-linking” option is to create automatic links. You can create auto-links rules by entering specific keywords and URLs that you want to link to.

In the below screenshot you can see how I created a link to one of my posts.

I did this to demonstrate how it works.

I do not like building automatic links and hence don’t use this option a lot. I prefer the manual method of building links using the post-editor dashboard (which I will show you in a little while) and the link report tab.

auto linking link whisper

The next option is “Target Keywords”.

This is a very interesting option.

In fact, it shows you a list of all the keywords that you are targeting for a specific post. Link Whisper uses these keywords for internal link suggestions.

It even pulls up keyword suggestions from Google Search Console (this could take a few days from when you publish the post to populate).

It also pulls in keywords from most of the WordPress SEO plugins as well. I use RankMath and you can see in the below screenshot that LinkWhisper has pulled target keywords from Rank Math.

link whisper target keywords

This is some extremely handy information at your fingertips.

If you expand the dropdowns, it will also tell you the details about what position your site is ranked for that specific keyword, how many clicks that has generated, and what is the CTR.

The final option is the “URL Changer”.

This isn’t something that I have used until now. But from what I understand, it helps you change URLs and replace them with newer ones.

So that’s with what you get in Link Whisper.

Before I move on to telling you about my experience with the plugin, let me show you one of the coolest things in this plugin. In fact, this is the screen that you would be using the most in this handy little plugin.

It is here that the entire magic happens most of the time.

This is the Link Whisper linking dashboard on the post editor.

What you see below is a screenshot of how it looks.

That was the last post I had written. You would see 2 options below the post – Link Whisper target keywords and Link Whisper suggested links.

link whisper link addition

Link Whisper target keywords is where the plugin shows you the keywords it pulled from your SEO plugin and Google Search Console (if any) and you can add custom keywords as well.

The Link Whisper suggested links option is where you will be able to see all of the link suggestions for the specific post. Now, this is pulled using the keywords for the post that you are writing.

It also gives you 2 options – to show link suggestions based on the category of the post or, to show link suggestions using the tags for the post.

You can simply filter the posts depending upon the dates that it was published on if that is something you want to use.

link whisper linking suggestions

And then finally, it is about deciding which link to insert into your post by checking it and clicking “insert links into the post”.

At this point, there are a couple of things that you might want to keep in mind.

  • The suggested anchor text for the links aren’t always great and sometimes it is pretty long. You have 2 options to change this. If you want to just shorten the anchor text, you can just click on the words and it gets deselected, like in the below demo.
link whisper editing
  • You can also click on the “edit sentence” button to edit the entire sentence.
  • If you click on the arrow next to the suggestion, you will get a list of suggested links which you can choose from.
  • Before you click the “insert links to the post” button, ensure that you have saved the post. Because when you click that button, the page loads for LinkWhisper to insert the links and if you haven’t saved the post, you mind just end up losing the last edits that you made to the post.

That is all there to Link Whisper.

It is a simple tool but extremely powerful and easy to use.

With that out of the way, let us quickly look at my experience with Link Whisper.

Link Whisper User Review – What I liked and What I dislike

Finally, let me get into the review of Link Whisper and tell you some of the features that I like and what I disliked. We will also look at the pricing and other details as well.

If you are looking to buy Link Whisper, you are given a variety of choices in the number of sites you can use the plugin on.

link whisper pricing

The single site license costs you about $77.00

But if you are lucky, you should be able to find a limited period deal on the plugin on Appsumo and get the same single site license for only $49.00.

Sometimes, Spencer is also generous to give you a 10% discount on his products. So if you get one then you are super-lucky.

Anyways, back to our review of Link Whisper.

We will be looking at 3 aspects for this review –

  • Ease of installation and use
  • Effectiveness of the plugin
  • Support

If there is anything else you would like me to talk about, please comment below and let me know.

Ease of Installation and use

We saw that there isn’t particularly anything different in the installation process. It is similar to all other WordPress plugins. Activation is also easy and so is the configuration.

The interface is pretty simple and most things can be accessed from the Dashboard (reports) screen itself. I would rather have preferred that tab to be named as “Dashboard” instead of reports”.


The rest of the options are about setting things up one time or, maybe once in a while (like the URL changer or, Autolinking).

The “Add inbound internal links” option, doesn’t do anything particular other than bringing you back to the Dashboard. In fact, I would just have removed that option and built that directly into the dashboard itself.

But then, maybe there are people who might prefer that to be in there.

Overall, if you look at the setup and the other options in the settings panel of the plugin, things are pretty simple and easy.

Coming to the core feature, which is adding internal links on your posts. It primarily happens on the post editor and that is a pretty neat and simple layout.

So adding links is a breeze.

The only thing I would have wanted is a prompt saying “please save your work before clicking insert links”, or, maybe a feature that can save the draft and then insert the links when that “insert links” button is clicked.

Else it is one of the best plugins in terms of usage.

Effectiveness of the Plugin

I am sure this is what most of you would have been looking forward to in this Link Whisper review. Because at the end of the day, what is important is to know is if the plugin works.

In one word – the plugin works and works amazingly well.

But, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind.

Internal link building is not a substitute for good content. It also isn’t a substitute for any of the other things like optimizing your content for keywords, keyword research, etc.

It only helps you with one aspect in the entire SEO framework. That is, building a good link structure.

And this aspect, it does amazingly well.

I use Labrika to track my posts and see how it has changed over a specific period of time.

At least 12 of the keywords that I was tracking which were in the 18-26 positions in SERPs improved over a period of 3 months and came into the top 10 results.

I hadn’t done anything other than focusing on internal link building, just so that I could track how Link Whisper did.

And I was pretty happy with the results.

PS: for the sake of proofing my keyword selection and posts, I am not posting any screenshots or, details about the posts.

So overall if I am to give you a one-word review of Link Whisper, it will be – Amazing.

Support and Development

I didn’t really have any issues with the plugin until now, for which I had to get in touch with the Support team. But there were some generic questions that I had for which I reached out to them.

And their response was pretty good.

So I am assuming the support should be fine.

Also, the plugin didn’t really have any issues so, I guess the interaction with the support team might be very minimal.

And they have extensive documentation that takes care of pretty much every question you would have.

From a development perspective, I have the confidence that the development of the plugin will continue primarily because it is coming from a marketer and also because it is something he himself uses on his websites.

Link Whisper Review – Conclusion

To conclude this link whisper user review, there are many things that you will love about this plugin. And considering that it addresses one of the biggest issues that most bloggers face when it comes to internal link building, it is a must-have for anyone.

The simple dashboards, the user-friendly interface, and quick implementation makes it something that is easy to use and doesn’t add another overwhelming task to your list.

Overall it is a must buy and you should purchase this plugin.

Don’t forget to check out the Appsumo offer, if you are able to get it.

I hope you liked this Link Whisper review and found value in it. If you did, then do share the post with your social media friends using one of the links below.

Do comment and let me know your thoughts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about the Plugin

What is Link Whisper?

Link Whisper is a WordPress plugin that helps simplify the internal link building process which is otherwise a hugely time-consuming and tedious task.
It suggests relevant links to your posts, straight inside your post editor itself, all while you are writing your post thus making it extremely easy to add links at the point of writing itself.
It also helps build inbound internal links, this too straight from your WordPress Post editor itself. If you are looking to build links for your older post, Link Whisper has a very easy option for that in its dashboard itself.

How is this different from Internal Link Juicer?

Internal Link Juicer is pretty similar to Link Whisper but lacks a lot of functionalities. It is an automatic internal link builder plugin that you can configure for specific keywords, which is then used to automatically link to the specific posts you have configured in the plugin.
Since internal link building is effective only if it is relevant and for that to happen, you need control of every aspect of the process all without having to put in a lot of effort, Link Whisper does a better job than Internal Link Juicer.

How do I create an internal link in WordPress?

There are 2 ways to do it. You could either do it manually or, use a plugin that can simplify the task.
The manual process is extremely time-consuming because you will have to first find the articles that you would like to link to, for specific keywords and then add those links manually.
The biggest problem is when you have to add links to your older articles, which in turn means going back to these articles every now and then and creating links to the newer articles and so on.
All of this can be simplified by using a plugin like Link Whisper, which nicely does all these activities without you have to break your fingers creating links. The best part is that you still have a lot of control over what to link to and how.

What is internal links in SEO?

Internal links are an essential part of Search Engine optimization. It is the process of linking to your own articles wherever it is relevant.
When you write a specific article, there could be other relevant articles that might have better and elaborate information on a specific activity or, a specific term. You can link these terms/keywords to those articles thereby providing better information to your visitors and readers.
Creating internal links involves identifying such articles and then linking to them using these specific keywords. This can be done manually which takes a lot of time and effort or, by using a plugin like Link whisper which simplifies the entire process.

How do you add internal links to an article?

The process of adding internal links to an article involves identifying specific keywords that you want to link to and then finding the most relevant article that can be linked to using those keywords.
You will need to scan through all of your articles to find the most relevant ones to link to.
The manual process of adding internal links to an article can be extremely time-consuming and takes a lot of effort.
You can simplify this by using a good WordPress plugin like Link Whisper, which simplifies the entire process and makes it easy to build internal links, all while giving you maximum control of how you want to do it.

What does Link Whisper do?

Link whisper is a WordPress plugin that simplifies the process of internal link building by finding the most relevant articles for specific keywords in your posts.
It reduces the total time taken in this activity by almost 90%, yet gives you maximum control over how you want to build and manage your link-building activity.

How much is Link Whisper?

Link Whisper has a variety of pricing options. You can find a single site license for about $77.00 and a 3 site license for about $117.
If you are lucky you will be able to find a $10 off coupon code on Spencer’s website, which will essentially make your purchase $10 cheaper for you.
Having said that, you can be rest assured that even at the pricing of $77.00, the plugin is a total value for money.

Link Whisper WordPress Plugin






Ease of Use







  • Simple to Use & User Friendly
  • Value for Money
  • Ease in adding internal links
  • Link Suggestions are Close to Perfect
  • Completely Customizable


  • Links added can only be Manually Deleted
  • Doesn't prompt before inserting links
  • Dashboard & Options could be a little more refined

About the author

My name is Dilip. I am a fan of the internet and love the many opportunities that the world wide web provides. If used constructively , the internet can give you an opportunity to lead a life free of the 9-5 treadmill and will be able to give more time to your family members.
Read about internet entrepreneurship at my blog.

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