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Thrive Content Builder Review – Building Beautiful Landing Pages

Published on: January 27, 2015

Last Updated on - August 15, 2024  

minutes read

Have you ever tried to build a landing page in your WordPress blog?

I am sure, if you were not on the Optimizepress theme or, one of the other landing page creator themes, you will have had a tough time doing that!

Now, have you ever tried to create a funky little post with a couple of column contents, a buy now button, a beautiful headline, some nice little graphics for those bullets etc. I am sure you would have given up and never tried one such adventure after that.. if at all your tried.

My blog at dkspeaks.com was not a salespage. It was a blog that I would regularly add content to. It was probably because of that I did not install and Optimizepress theme in it. I had a blog that was beautiful (in my terms) and I loved.

I had been using the Genesis theme from Studiopress for my blog here at dkspeaks.com. While Genesis theme is the best theme for any WordPress blog, thanks to it being SEO optimized and the many customization options available, it still lacks a lot of essential features when it comes to an Internet marketing blog.

At my blog here I write a lot about Internet marketing, affiliate marketing, social media and blogging. As my blog graduated into an authority blog, I wanted to offer different kind of solutions and services to my readers.

While I was planning to offer one such service I decided to create a landing page for it. And that is when I faced the biggest problem with the Genesis theme. I was using the default theme in the Genesis Framework on my blog and it had an option of creating pages without the sidebar. But here are some of the problems with using that page style.

  • I couldn’t remove the Post Title and you of course, did not need that in a sales page.
  • There were no options in fonts. It was the default theme font that I had to use.
  • The headlines were not too good looking for a sales page.
  • I couldn’t insert any boxes like the ones that you see in sales pages.
  • For everything on the page including a guarantee box, I had to upload one image and it still looked ugly.

I realized that Genesis was not enough unless you have created a child theme that had all these options built into it. I wanted a lot more customization to the landing pages that I was planning to create for my service. And I did not want to spend hours creating a child theme.

While I am a hard core fan of the some of the landing page creators, I felt the need for a different kind of solution for my needs.

Thrive Content Builder WordPress Plugin – The Best WYSIWYG Editor

I had been using Hybrid Connect from Shane Melaugh for quite some time now and I was very impressed with the many options that this plugin came with.

It was while I was searching for a solution to the problem, when I got a mail from Shane about “a theme that will change the way your write your posts in WordPress”. Normally I would simply delete the email, but I felt I should just check it out once.

And, I was happy I did. Thrive content builder gave me the solution I was looking for.

I was so impressed with the plugin that I thought I should do this quick Thrive Content Builder review.

Thrive content builder has a ton of features that will actually change the way you use WordPress. It integrates seamlessly into your theme, yet adds a lot of additional functionalities.

You can create sales pages, squeeze pages, landing pages, download pages etc. designing these from scratch or, by using one of the pre-made beautiful templates. Check out one of the landing pages I created using Thrive Content Builder, for a FREE traffic ecourse. This landing page only took about 30 minutes to be up and running.

Let’s quickly look at some of the features of Thrive Content Builder.


Since Thrive Content Builder is a plugin, installing it is pretty straightforward. Once you have installed the plugin, you will need to activate it using your license key.

There will be 3 additional options that you will see on the left sidebar of your WordPress dashboard, once the plugin is activated. These are Icon manager, Font manager and Thrive lightboxes. You have an option of adding custom fonts and icons by uploading the icon and font files.

There is nothing else to configure. Anything that you want to do to a page is done directly on the page itself.

Using the Content Builder

Using Thrive content builder is very easy. When you create a new post or, page.. you will find an option just above the WordPress editor, called “Edit with Thrive Content Builder”. Clicking on it will open a new window with a sidebar looking like in the image below.

thrive content builder review


You can simply drag and drop any of the elements that are available, onto your page or, post and you are done. It is that simple. Once you are done editing the page, just click on save changes and publish the page as you would normally do on WordPress. That’s it!

Editing Options

While you will find only a handful of options on the sidebar in the editor, those handful of options has numerous customization options that makes it a large list. You can pretty much add anything that you want into your sales page –

  • Buy now buttons
  • 2-Column, 3-Column or, any number of Columned content
  • Special styled content boxes
  • Images
  • Guarantee boxes
  • Icons
  • Custom HTML
  • and much more..

Since you are doing pretty much everything on the live frontend of your WordPress blog, you can see how your page will look with each addition. You don’t have to do the “save the page > publish it > refresh the page” to see how your page looks.


This was where I was most impressed. Shane had priced the plugin so reasonably that it was very much affordable. It did not pinch me in spite of the fact that I had paid about $60 for the Genesis theme.

Thrive Content Builder was priced at around $87 for an unlimited sites license. And this came with unlimited updates for life unlike some of the other themes that were charging for updates as well.


Shane has a very responsive customer support and I had a taste of his prompt support team since I was already using Hybrid Connect. Support tickets were answered within 24 hours and they did every thing to resolve an issue.

It is the same support that you will get for Thrive Content Builder as well

Conflicts with other Plugins

This is one area that I felt a little disappointed. But it was not something that I could blame the guys who build this plugin for. WordPress is ever-changing and a lot of plugins are not always able to keep up with the pace of development in WordPress. Hence it is not uncommon for plugins to create conflicts with other plugins.

Thrive Content Builder has addressed most of these possible conflicts, yet there are some plugins that could create a conflict. I faced this problem when I first installed the plugin but unfortunately I couldn’t isolate the plugin.

So you might want to check which plugin is conflicting, if at all you face such a situation.. by the method of elimination.

Purpose of this Thrive Content Builder Review

As an internet marketer I am sure you will be faced with a situation similar to that of mine. If you love your blog, then you need Thrive Content Builder.

If you are any serious about building high converting sales pages and squeeze pages, you need this plugin. If there is one plugin that is extremely essential for your internet marketing business, it is the Thrive Content Builder plugin.

Do tell me your thoughts about this review by commenting below. Also share the post on social media if you thought it was worth a read.

Thrive Content Builder




Ease of Use








About the author

My name is Dilip. I am a fan of the internet and love the many opportunities that the world wide web provides. If used constructively , the internet can give you an opportunity to lead a life free of the 9-5 treadmill and will be able to give more time to your family members.
Read about internet entrepreneurship at my blog.

  • Hey DK – Thanks for posting about Thrive content builder and Genesis Themes. Since I am NEW to this WordPress stuff, I am doing my research. Sorry if this sound like a newbie questions, but I wanted to clairify that you are Using one of Genesis Themes (by StudioPress) and you can edit your pages with the Thrive content builder…. Is this correct?

    • Hi Kent,
      That’s right. You can use Thrive Content Builder on any theme and still edit the content and add the elements from Thrive content builder onto it.


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