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What is Kajabi? Kajabi review Vs Optimizepress Review

November 2, 2010

Last Updated on - May 28, 2024  

minutes read

What is KajabiWhat is Kajabi? Kajabi has been one of the most hyped about launches in the recent days. But there are quite a few people who are still wondering, what is Kajabi?

What is Kajabi?

Kajabi is a push-button marketing software that can make creating launch pages, membership sites, squeeze pages etc. a matter of a few button clicks. Almost all of the latest launches by the Internet marketing GURUS were done on Kajabi.

The launch of Kajabi was much hyped and it was supposed to be the next best thing in Internet marketing after affiliate Marketing. How justified was this hype?

A smart and quick review of the software showed that it was not something that any internet marketer could afford. You can see that in the video below.

Optimizepress reviewThen what is the solution and why should one be so desperate to buy something like Kajabi? Is it the “Powered by Kajabi” factor?

What is Kajabi alternative?

I wanted something like Kajabi to smoothen the process of creating squeeze pages and launch pages and also to run my membership sites. What is Kajabi alternative? As I searched the internet for an alternative I stumbled upon what is called the “Optimizepress” wordpress theme.

Optimizepress is the alternative to Kajabi. Optimizepress can do everything that Kajabi does and has an added advantage to Kajabi.

  1. While Kajabi requires a monthly subscription, Optimizepress is a one-time payment.
  2. Kajabi hosts everything on their servers and has a bandwidth limitation whereas Optimizepress is a wordpress theme and is hosted on your own servers. Your server bandwidth is all available for you.
  3. You get limited accounts with Kajabi whereas you can use Optimizepress on unlimited accounts.
  4. Kajabi is not affordable whereas Optimizepress is affordable.

You can know more about this in the below video where I review both of these.

Just go for Optimizepress. You can order it here.

So, now that you are aware of the comparison, don’t wonder what is kajabi?

About the author

My name is Dilip. I am a fan of the internet and love the many opportunities that the world wide web provides. If used constructively , the internet can give you an opportunity to lead a life free of the 9-5 treadmill and will be able to give more time to your family members.
Read about internet entrepreneurship at my blog.

  • well.. superb review.. and it makes one very tempting to purchase the optimize press.. however.. the final nail in the coffin would be a similar video with optimize press enabled sales page/squeeze page and other such benefits.. mark my words.. I will buy it!

  • This has been a great information for me! And what do you think about Optimise Press? I came accross it at google…

  • Optimize press is an excellent product and is far better and useful that Kajabi. I will be launching my new product on this theme and so far I am loving Optimize Press.

  • Dilip,

    Here’s a very popular “dream team” for creating terrific-looking membership sites that can drip content, do affiliate programs, etc – a bit more than what you can do with Kajabi, but instead using WordPress and having it all on your own web site in your own control…

    1) Self-hosted WordPress Site
    2) OptimizePress theme
    3) DigitalAccessPass.com (DAP) Membership Plugin for WordPress
    4) EasyVideoPlayer or S3MediaVault

    Regardless of which components above you choose (or ignore), just make sure you build it all on top of WordPress.

    – Ravi Jayagopal
    Disclosure: I’m the founder/co-developer of DAP.

    • Hey Ravi,
      Thanks for visiting. That group indeed in a dream team. Kajabi was never in my scheme of things though the launch had excited me to buying it. But its prices pushed me back. Then OPtimizepress came my way and I thank myself that I did not buy Kajabi.

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